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Re: Trade rates

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:52 pm
by Gozar
Seems to me the very point I made is being over looked... Currently it is against the rules to trade rubies.. I personally think this is a good idea.. If the abuse was not happening there would not be any need for the above already approved option being implemented..

For the sake of repeating myself.. I will put this view a different way. If something is against the rules or the Law.. if you break these rules or law then there should be a penalty.

Trading of rubies is interfering with ZE's income/revenue. This effects all of us that wish for the game to continue.

I think a fixed amount should be placed on rubies passable from one player to another be it as a gift or what ever. The same as there is an limit to the amount of resources one player can send another.. ( an option could be 1 gift per 7 days maximum rubies that can be given is say 100...per player.) If you wish to send more then email ZE with your request and reason.. keeps it clean and simple.

Like most things in RL if there is a loop hole or grey area someone somewhere looks to exploit this for his or her gain.. In fact makes the game unfair for the average player... What would really stop any problems would make it not possible to send anyone rubies at all.

This would stop the option of trading from one universe to another.. I also know for fact a player in one universe swapped accounts with another player... a bogus new account was then made and a payment of rubies was sent to the player in a certain universe as payment... that is not an account swap it was a purchase.. This affects all players very few can afford the large sums of rubies that are being sent sold or traded in the game... These players are in essence buying there way to the top.. abusing yet again another aspect of this game.

quoting players posts is pointless we can all read the above keep your comments to the game issue and not the player...

one last point raised this is not about tracking anything...a 24 hr delay can be place on any information is about honest game play.. I am sure most players fill in their tax returns...ask yourself why does the IRS insist they are retuned....

Re: Trade rates

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:16 pm
by Ozymandias
Where does it actually say in the rules that the trading of rubies is unlawful in the rules of the game? Perhaps I'm missing something?

Obviously, the trading of resources may conflict with any ruby trade because of the milking rule. But I cannot find anywhere about the trading of rubies.

The "gifting" of rubies to other players is a different matter. However, I cannot see how this would affect ZE's income. Somebody has to buy them in the first instance, that being Zorg's income. What the original purchaser decides to do with them is their business surely.

Remember also, some players are not able to buy rubies. Whether it be bad credit rating, inability to use the PayPal scheme, geographical location (as in my case previously) etc.

If another player decides to buy 10k rubies and share them around his or her alliance, then so be it?

Re: Trade rates

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:00 pm
by fusion
Gozar... If someone is buying rubies off of a player by using resources then it forces that player selling the rubies to buy more. It doesn't effect the games revenue

Re: Trade rates

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:24 pm
by evilbass
cant see why anything re rubies needs more control..
some smaller players without credit access need a few from time to time...
others help them..
as long as Zorg controls the primary access to rubies.., how they trade is of no consequence!!.
and whatever rules are put in place that defy market forces will become impossible to manage..,
and that time could rather be spent on getting more players involved in the game..

Re: Trade rates

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:28 pm
by Sprog
Lol u lot really do keep missing the all posts again please then comment ....

Re: Trade rates

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:47 pm
by fusion
I read over it a couple more times sprog. Could you tell us which point we are missing rather than making us play hide and seek with the point you trying to make us find?

Re: Trade rates

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:51 pm
by Gozar
Yet again replies without reading the whole post...This option was already agreed by Zorg... What is needed is clarification from Zorg on the rule on Trading Rubies.. It has been stated that this is against the rules.. so all these comments that what a player does with their rubies is not allowed in game... is promoting players to break the rules..

I have taken this quote from a previous Zorg post...

Post subject: Re: Ruby suggestion Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 12:03 am

Replies: 32
Views: 648

... that if you cannot pay, for any reason, there is already a way to earn rubies from the game and this is the referral system. I can respect it if ... are always players who can pay and can fund other players. In-game ruby trading is something that is officially not allowed as you cannot open ruby ...

Re: Trade rates

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:58 pm
by Ozymandias
But Gozar, perhaps read our comments? Where does it in the rules (milking rules aside) say that you cannot trade rubies? Regardless of what someone says here, I cannot find that point in the rules! Please, can you point me to where, in the rules it says that?

Re: Trade rates

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:00 pm
by Gozar
Officially not allowed...therefore..the same as any illegal substance...this introduces the blackmarket syndrome..and we all know what this creates..abuse.

once again anyone trading or just helping a fellow player should find this a reasonable request... would show fair game play for all.. Allowing a single transaction with anyone player with a given time frame still allows help where it is needed...

The view that if someone gives trades rubies..they then need to buy more...was shown earlier...after a time frame the same rubies are returned to that player..effectively no new rubies are purchased..

Re: Trade rates

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:12 pm
by Ozymandias
Yes, of course, but where does it say that in the rules?

Game rules are like a statute. If you meet someone in the street, they say something is illegal, you just take their word for it? Clapham Omnibus?? I am sure you know where this is laid down, please can you point me in the direction of where it is laid down as being unlawful in the game for rubies to be traded?

Also, if rubies are gifted to someone, they eventually are returned, then where did the rubies being returned appear from? Ultimately, they must be bought.