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Resource Transfer between players

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:32 pm
by Zorg
One of the hardest thing to monitor and policy are transports between players.

There is one solution we have thought, in simple words:
A tag system where dispatching player selects a fitting tag for the transport mission (Trade,Mercenary,etc).
Then, after a few days, the transport with all details (Dispatching Player, Receiving Player, Time, Tag and timestamp) will be listed in both players Transport History tabs (complete history that never gets deleted) for everyone to see and review, with a report button to make it easier to police.

A second solution is to prevent transports between players all together.

What do you think?

Re: Resource Transfer between players

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:56 pm
by Pulsar
If a tag system is implemented, I would prefer if it were anonymous (player name could be replaced with a pseudonym). If someone could see who I was trading with every time I traded, I would decline more trades.

Personally, I am happy with things as they are in this regard. There are other more important improvements to focus on, in my opinion.

Re: Resource Transfer between players

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:38 am
by Zorg
Nicknames could work.

Re: Resource Transfer between players

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 9:30 am
by the_real_impachik
It is an area where there has been a lot of suspicion of cheating in the past. A tag system sounds like it is worth a try.

One thing that would make life easier is to clarify and simplify the rule of how much we can transfer to an alliance mate, the "10% of daily mine production" is a hassle to work out and also a bit unfair, as miner-types can share a lot more with their alliance mates than those who don't focus on mines. Why not just have an overall limit that applies to everyone? Excluding trades etc. (or perhaps 2 levels, inc a lower one for those still in newbie protection and higher one for everyone else).

Another thing to consider is that sometimes a player will recycle for another player even if he/she was not involved in a hit - there should be a tag that covers that.

Re: Resource Transfer between players

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:53 am
by Ozymandias
Stop it all together.

Easier to police, easier to check up on. Simple.

Or, alternatively, do away with the rule altogether. Again, NOTHING to police, nothing to check up on. This would encourage multi-account players, but just ban them then immediately delete them. Surely, easier to enforce than checking up on players. Two choices, both easy and simple. Why over elaborate on something that can be simple. Real names, nick names, waste of time, either have it unlimited or not at all.

To have it unlimited. For those who do not abuse the system by multi-accounting, it's their resources, do what they will with them?

To do away with it all together, nothing to police. Just do not make it possible in the first place, do away with the transport mission. Simple.

Re: Resource Transfer between players

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 12:08 pm
by Zorg
It's not that easy. On this game, you can easily play on 10 different games-universes with your pal, only to have such deals like:

-Ok dude, send me resources on ZE and I will send you resources on this other game. Or send me on X-TREME and I will send you on SPEED.

So the rule about PUSHING is mandatory.
The issue is that we need to always detect such cases, 100% of them. It's not productive for us to spend so much time monitoring such things. It's better that we release this info that we usually study to the players themselves.

Re: Resource Transfer between players

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 12:20 pm
by Zorg
Regarding anonymity, this will not work. Our experience shows that since the people who will try to cheat are few, they need to be identified by their real nickname to help up with the process. Also, it should be possible by the players to check up the specific person they suspect to cheat, before reporting.

We will just omit the time information for players to prevent exposing online times.

Re: Resource Transfer between players

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 4:16 pm
by Ozymandias
Okay, then just do away with the milking/pushing rule altogether? Surely, if you have the resources then it's up to you how you use them?

Re: Resource Transfer between players

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 11:46 am
by Zorg
mightyoz wrote:
Sun Feb 12, 2017 4:16 pm
Okay, then just do away with the milking/pushing rule altogether? Surely, if you have the resources then it's up to you how you use them?
Not really. Like I said, this can be manipulated. The milking rule simply states that Every account must play to its own full benefit. What's wrong with this? The ruling will be different for RELOADED but this essence will remain.

Re: Resource Transfer between players

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 12:59 pm
by Ozymandias
Could you elaborate on how it can be manipulated? Just a question. Not that I am after any sort of hints, lol. But I would be interested to know.