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Chat Moderation for Igns

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:09 am
by oXOctaviaXo
Chat mods should be able to ban IGNs along with nick names the point being some hacker or Bot got into chat earily today and changed his/her nickname to characters not recognized by the chat itself and the name never showed up on the name menu so no one was able to Ban or Kick it. It stayed and kept Spamming and imping randomly until it apparently got bored and left. Therefor saving the mods the trouble to prevent this from happening again this would probably be better for the Zorg chat community as well people can use nicknames if wanted. I was able to discover its secret by attempting to change my nickname as well to Alt characters it shows up as ??? to you but to others its blank also with this you cannot post anything to chat if your nickname is this but you can change you nickname and have no notification of this in chat.
Thank you for your time.

Re: Chat Moderation for Igns

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 3:58 am
by Zorg

Chat mods should be able to ban any combination. If there is a problem with someone in the chat room and no mod is around, consider sending an email to

A screenshot always helps in case there is nowhere around in administration either.

We are currently working on a big account manager that will change the way you all login to Zorg Empire. It will be one login for everything (universes,chat,forums). This will help us control such situations better.

Just have a bit patience till it is over.

On a sidenote, we can still issue permanent chat bans with current system; it just has some loopholes as it is universe specific. Still, it is not allowed to circumvent a ban and player caught doing so will have their game accounts banned eventually. To date, we have had few issues with the current system so it is not like this is an urgent matter. It will be addressed though we the upgraded login system.

Re: Chat Moderation for Igns

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 5:40 pm
by Desert_Reaper
Zorg, i do not think a universal login is a good idea. It increases the vulnerability to hacking and password theft. I am on 2 servers, forums, and am a FB mod, and i use a different password for each.