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Re: ACS defending deleted planets

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 6:57 am
by Pulsar
MIGHTY-OZ wrote:
Sun Oct 06, 2019 7:11 pm
If you were perhaps a bit more clear with your
Do you really, honestly think that it would be the norm for someone to go to the trouble of building a colony ship, sending it off to colonise a slot just so that they can do this? lol.
This has indeed become the norm for some players in order to avoid attack. Hence why I posted this bug.

I’m not here to argue. The point is simply that if you can ACS defend with hold time the planet remnants during the 24-hour destruction period, there must also be some way to attack these ships.

Re: ACS defending deleted planets

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:09 am
by Ozymandias
Why MUST there be a way to attack within this time period? Is it not a good thing that some have had the new idea of another way to protect what they have?

You might not be here to argue, from what I've read I cannot see evidence of an argument. Al I can see is that you think you've found a bug, reported it, good stuff. If it is a bug, well spotted. Hurrah!!

But, from another point of view, I see that you've noticed another way for others to keep safe, personally, I think it's a great thing for the game. A situation than can be exploited like any other fleetsave type scenario.

As I've suggested previously, if this hadn't have happened and somebody had thought of it, it would've made a great idea for a game suggestion.

If you can hide a fleet in the debris of a destroyed planet, a period of a finite amount of time, excellent, what a great idea for any budding Sci Fi writers.

There are not many who read the forums anymore, not many who post. Some pop in at very, very rare intervals to post something when it seemingly affects them. Other unfortunately don't even do this. But for players who do this, drastic, seemingly wrong way of fleetsaving, if it's happening more and more often as you say, then perhaps it's something that is needed? It maybe the only way they can figure of keeping their stuff safe. Just a pity that they don't/won't post here anymore.

Re: ACS defending deleted planets

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 7:15 am
by Draconai
Pulsar is correct, it is a bug. A bug, also referred to as a software bug, is an error or flaw in a computer program that may prevent it from working correctly or produce an incorrect or unintended result. And as a moderator, it is her duty to report any and all bugs as soon as they have been identified.

I also agree with OZ, in that it is an excellent idea that it be put in the suggestions forum. The whole concept of being able to hide a fleet (from a stronger opponent) amongst the debris of a fallen fleet or the asteroids from a destroyed planet, is timeless. This very strategy has used in Star Wars and Star Trek. Two thumbs up (because I only have two) !!!

Re: ACS defending deleted planets

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:35 pm
by Torgard
I would entertain that if someone is exploiting this bug, then if the defending fleet is still there when the planet disappears, then the fleet should also.

A loss of a fleet in this fashion would deter the use of the bug.