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Geno(DD) V ursa-major(VAL) - TD: 16.550.178.000

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 5:18 am
by harryballsac
This was from a couple weeks ago. I would've posted sooner but I couldn't remember my damn password lol. Anyways, this is a fleet I was watching for a couple weeks prior. He is nestled in amongst a full slot of blue so I decided to put my roamer a system over. This was my only choice but it was strategic as well. One system over is another player I've been chasing, so I set up shop right in his back yard and to anyone who would've noticed, it would've appeared I was there for blizzard, but alas, I was not.

he attacker has won the battle !
You receive 175.442.500 units of Metal, 164.817.782 units of Crystal and 186.067.218 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 3.228.658.200 units.
The defender has lost a total of 13.321.519.800 units.
A debris field containing 5.145.788.700 units of Metal and 4.784.318.100 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

I have to send huge props to ursa on being a top-notch sport about it. He came online before my last 2 follow ups came through and attempted to stop me which blew up in his face for another 800 million TD, but I like that he was doing his best to stop me. I actually had to recall my last 2 raids comprised of bc because he quickly built rips, but I then sent lunars and got the res left on his moon. He recycled quite a bit as I had way too few recs and had to make 2 trips. He got about 1.5 billion metal/crystal so he did pretty well. About a week later I found his res collecting fleet in the same place and got about 4 billion more in res.

One of your fleets has returned from [7:337:7]. It transported 2.895.000.000 units of Metal, 2.895.000.000 units of Crystal.

One of your fleets has returned from [7:337:7]. It transported 7.100.000 units of Metal, 7.100.000 units of Crystal.

One of your fleets has returned from [7:337:7]. It transported units of Metal, 655.455.700 units of Crystal.

It's unfortunate I didn't have enough recs to get it all but like I said he was a very good sport about it so I'm cool with it.

GLOTR Ursa, I know it won't take you long.

PS....just snuck in there for hit #25, apologies to whoever we kncoked out.

Re: Geno(DD) V ursa-major(VAL) - TD: 16.550.178.000

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 5:40 am
by Pulsar
I would say good hit, but we both know why I won't.

Re: Geno(DD) V ursa-major(VAL) - TD: 16.550.178.000

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 5:53 am
by harryballsac
Pulsar wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2017 5:40 am
I would say good hit, but we both know why I won't.
idk why you would be upset with my mate coming to my aid. I ALSO don't understand why you would immediately vmode like that. Besides one thing has nothing to do with the other. This is my largest hit from playing the game many years, so a nice congrats and GLOTR would appropriately suffice.

Re: Geno(DD) V ursa-major(VAL) - TD: 16.550.178.000

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:07 am
by Pulsar
harryballsac wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2017 5:53 am
Pulsar wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2017 5:40 am
I would say good hit, but we both know why I won't.
idk why you would be upset with my mate coming to my aid. I ALSO don't understand why you would immediately vmode like that. Besides one thing has nothing to do with the other. This is my largest hit from playing the game many years, so a nice congrats and GLOTR would appropriately suffice.
I had you pinned. I had thought about this carefully and done everything right, and that is rare enough in this game. I don't have time to hunt 24/7, which makes it hard to hunt. But I had watched you carefully. I saw my chance. You made a mistake. I popped a moon. One moon. The only moon of yours I have ever popped. I had your entire fleet on lanx. I should have had you; we both know that.

RJ told me he quit well over a year ago. If he were active in the game, the story would be different. But he's not. He only came back to protect you from a mistake you had made. That's the sole reason. So it's more than "a mate coming to your aid." It's you calling on a completely inactive deep blue player who has a fleet three times the size of anyone else's and an account that has been exchanged multiple times and grown in a manner of unscrupulous ways during that time, and that player coming back just (and I repeat JUST, as he no longer follows the game, has no interest in actually playing, and is now blue again) to shift the game in your favor. Sure, I get it. But it's low.

Re: Geno(DD) V ursa-major(VAL) - TD: 16.550.178.000

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:35 am
by harryballsac
Pulsar wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:07 am
harryballsac wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2017 5:53 am
Pulsar wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2017 5:40 am
I would say good hit, but we both know why I won't.
idk why you would be upset with my mate coming to my aid. I ALSO don't understand why you would immediately vmode like that. Besides one thing has nothing to do with the other. This is my largest hit from playing the game many years, so a nice congrats and GLOTR would appropriately suffice.
I had you pinned. I had thought about this carefully and done everything right, and that is rare enough in this game. I don't have time to hunt 24/7, which makes it hard to hunt. But I had watched you carefully. I saw my chance. You made a mistake. I popped a moon. One moon. The only moon of yours I have ever popped. I had your entire fleet on lanx. I should have had you; we both know that.
You're 100% right here with everything you said, and I gotta hand it to u probing my other planets making me think you didn't know where I was.
You still had better odds if you had gone through with that attack than he had to ninja fast ships through me. He had no intention of getting your fleet on the return, ONLY ninja, so if you had gone through with the attack you almost surely would've succeeded. So don't get bitter because you got cold feet and ran away and hid in vmode.
I've been back in the game 4 months and maybe he took pity on me or maybe he was being a good mate, idk, but calling it "low" is in itself low IMO. You said yourself his fleet is 3 times the size of yours, well yours was more than 3 times the size of mine at this time. I knew you were hunting me, the cycling of roamers around probable spots for my fleet gave that away, but I didn't run and hide in vmode like you did, so u have no basis to condemn me or him like that. You don't even know me. You came into the alliance when I was vmoded so you know nothing about me, or vice versa.
Cheers pulsar.

Re: Geno(DD) V ursa-major(VAL) - TD: 16.550.178.000

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:57 am
by Pulsar
harryballsac wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:35 am
You still had better odds if you had gone through with that attack than he had to ninja fast ships through me. He had no intention of getting your fleet on the return, ONLY ninja, so if you had gone through with the attack you almost surely would've succeeded. So don't get bitter because you got cold feet and ran away and hid in vmode.

Wrong. He could just set all his ships on ACS defend with hold time. His timing didn't matter.

harryballsac wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:35 am
I've been back in the game 4 months and maybe he took pity on me or maybe he was being a good mate, idk, but calling it "low" is in itself low IMO. You said yourself his fleet is 3 times the size of yours, well yours was more than 3 times the size of mine at this time. I knew you were hunting me, the cycling of roamers around probable spots for my fleet gave that away, but I didn't run and hide in vmode like you did, so u have no basis to condemn me or him like that. You don't even know me. You came into the alliance when I was vmoded so you know nothing about me, or vice versa.
Cheers pulsar.

Wrong again. I was active in Chosen when DemonPrince/Deidara had the top account and when he crashed you. And when he crashed RJ as well. That, of course, is now the account that RJ owns. The account that just defended you. The irony isn't lost on me, even if it's lost on you. My account, on the otherhand, has never changed hands and was built myself.

And as for your silly v-moding comment... V-moding wasn't about hiding. (Besides, you went vmode right after you crash to Deidara only to return this year, so you're really one to talk.) But after something like this I do sometimes question why I play a game that is so easily manipulated, even when I do manage to play perfectly.

I said everything I wanted to in my earlier post here. People can make of it what they will, but I have a right to be angry.

Re: Geno(DD) V ursa-major(VAL) - TD: 16.550.178.000

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 7:29 am
by harryballsac
Wow some ego on you!

Yeah I guess you do have a right to be angry, but I really don't care. The facts are your fleet is 3 times the size of mine, I never ran and hid in vmode from you. Rob's fleet is 3 times the size of yours, and you ran and hid in vmode before he even bought a moon. Speaking to your insinuation that I've done anything but build my account and fleet from the ground up legitimately (like you) is insulting. This is my account and mine alone that I built myself 100%. This is the only time I've asked him(or anyone) for help defending me, and the last. Am I proud of it no, but it is what it is. I am proud however, of this CR that you've decided to flame me on.

Buck up buttercup, it's almost Christmas.

Re: Geno(DD) V ursa-major(VAL) - TD: 16.550.178.000

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 7:45 am
by Pulsar
harryballsac wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2017 7:29 am
Speaking to your insinuation that I've done anything but build my account and fleet from the ground up legitimately (like you) is insulting.
This is my account and mine alone that I built myself 100%.

For clarity, I was talking about RJ's account, not yours. Nor am I claiming anything happened that was against rules.

harryballsac wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2017 7:29 am
The facts are your fleet is 3 times the size of mine, I never ran and hid in vmode from you. Rob's fleet is 3 times the size of yours, and you ran and hid in vmode before he even bought a moon.

I was not hiding. Don't think Rob would crash me except to protect you, tbh, but even if he would, that certainly wasn't why I went blue. I wasn't blue until after he had the moon and it was clear he was all set up to ninja. Hiding and being ticked off are two very different things.

harryballsac wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2017 7:29 am
This is the only time I've asked him(or anyone) for help defending me, and the last. Am I proud of it no, but it is what it is. I am proud however, of this CR that you've decided to flame me on.

You've earned a little flaming.

Re: Geno(DD) V ursa-major(VAL) - TD: 16.550.178.000

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 8:56 am
by neoshagrath
Where are you guys in reloaded....

Nice hit hairy! GLOTR ursa!

Re: Geno(DD) V ursa-major(VAL) - TD: 16.550.178.000

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 1:18 am
by harryballsac
neoshagrath wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2017 8:56 am
Where are you guys in reloaded....

Nice hit hairy! GLOTR ursa!
Thanks neo. I haven't tried that server yet, just have stuck with speed. I thought about trying to do some raiding in x but not sure. Maybe I'll check out the new server instead