Re: E-Sports: WoW Arena Tournament?

kikmenow wrote:I would enter, but isnt there an age restriction and my wi fi connection is ALWAYS so slow.
I know what you mean. I used to play WoW but I quit because I could barely do instances and PvP (Which is what I actually like doing) was completely out of the question. My Internet was REALLY slow then and my computer ***** (I got a Framerate of about 15 at the BEST time. I would go to about 1-2 if I PvP'd)

It was ridiculous.

Re: E-Sports: WoW Arena Tournament?

yes, it is possible to make millions a year playing games, but youd have to be the best gamer alive. Console and comp. That means not just wow and halo, but every new game that comes out you have to be the best at. My friend made 27k in a wow tourament once. One tournement. He was also sponsored in CS at one point. That is my dream.
take my love, take my land, but you can't take the sky from me

Re: E-Sports: WoW Arena Tournament?

You can make a lot of money playing wow i've played it for almost 5 years I.E. since beta. I've since stopped playing when i stopped i was the best geared feral druid on the server, and was main tank for my guild which was one of the top ranked guilds on the server think they are slowly dieing now thou i havent logged in awhile. I'll tell you this blizzard trying to turn wow into an e-sport is killing the game and they are slowly losing member base. You can get paid up to 50,000 a year by playing wow you have to be in one of the top 3 ranked guilds in the world and the top ranked guild the members are payed by a i think billionaire that plays as well. Good luck getting in thou there is a 6 month recruiting process per person.

Re: E-Sports: WoW Arena Tournament?

Indeed, not to mention you'd have to choose WoW over real life.

One of my friends was in a top ten ranked guild in the EU until a few weeks ago, the strain of being online was too much.

I think once Diablo 3 is released a lot of players will migrate from WoW to that, i know i can't wait to get my hands on a copy.

Anyway, to add a little spice, it seems Taiwan is rising fast as the kings of PvP, their teams are the first to advance to the global finals, blue post from the arena tournament forum:

"We’re glad to announce the winners of the Taiwan regional final of the 2009 World of Warcraft Arena Tournament. Below you’ll find the final rankings from the participating teams at this year’s event. Teams “D K P” and “all pass” proved their worth this weekend, rising above an elite field of competitors to claim the top spots in the tournament, winning $15,000 and $6,000 respectively. Their greatest challenge, however, still awaits at this year’s BlizzCon."

Sweet prize.

By the way, anyone wanna have a little bragging fest via armory links? :D Feel free to show off, heres mine: ... =Pallyella

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: E-Sports: WoW Arena Tournament?

Ok I guess I'll flex my epeen lets see if anyone can beat my 80 Druid. FYI i haven't played since the Ulduar patch.
P.S. If you don't play horde /wrists and go home no one loves you.

Tauren Druid Level 80 ... ainstrider

Blood Elf Mage Level 72 ... n=Draconan

Orc Rogue Level 71 ... n=Perverse

Undead Lock Level 65 ... =Cerrberus

Also have a 60 DK, 45 Huntard, and a 29 Pally not worth posting.

Re: E-Sports: WoW Arena Tournament?

Rofl horde = people who gank others at 20% health from fighting mobs, amiright? :P

Nah i got no problem with you guys, just that you pwn us in Battlegrounds, especially AB, alliance just capture a resource point and go "awesome we got it, now lets go fight pointlessly in the roads so they can take it back!".

Oh and i haven't started naxx 10 or 25 on my prot paladin yet and it still kicks your drood tanks butt! :D

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: E-Sports: WoW Arena Tournament?

Hrm last encounter with a pally went like this. I am afk getting my paying the chinese food delivery guy walk back to my PC and notice hey I am at 50% HP. Go bear form 5 minutes later here comes a rogue. The rogue dies before the pally........... The pally now at 10% HP decides to run away jumps off of Dun Niphlhiem or how ever you spell it and falls to his death. GG another normal day on a PVP server with alliance........ You guys are so much fun to kill I'll tell you that. But, Twisting Nether is an RP-PVP server most of my HK's come from world PVP on my toons.

Re: E-Sports: WoW Arena Tournament?

plainstrider wrote:Hrm last encounter with a pally went like this. I am afk getting my paying the chinese food delivery guy walk back to my PC and notice hey I am at 50% HP. Go bear form 5 minutes later here comes a rogue. The rogue dies before the pally........... The pally now at 10% HP decides to run away jumps off of Dun Niphlhiem or how ever you spell it and falls to his death. GG another normal day on a PVP server with alliance........ You guys are so much fun to kill I'll tell you that. But, Twisting Nether is an RP-PVP server most of my HK's come from world PVP on my toons.
Rofl, okay. I could argue for hours on end about the competition between factions. Lets just settle for saying not everyone is a representation of their background, each side has its losers and pros.

RP? Isn't that Role-Playing? I could never get the hang of that stuff, i got banned from an RP server about a year ago for insulting my mates mum via General chat. :D


EDIT: And if you seriously managed to kill a paladin and a rogue together at the same time on your druid they either REALLY sucked, were specced for fail or knew about as much as a dead slug on how to play their class.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...