Gozar & Torgard[IB]vs cheechandchong[GRATA]~TD~1.798.062.150

Now this was rewarding.. I have been watching this player for about 8 weeks, but every time his fleet showed up he was on line.. (good game play). This time however I had worked out where he was FSing.. spied his fleet and of course he FSed. I waited again for several hours and popped his moon.. low and behold caught his fleet on lanx on a 22hr Defend mission.. far to long to launch and had to wait till it hit its destination. Like all good players he came on line before this and seeing his moon gone recalled.. This shortened the attack time, still on lanx and now fixed. I waited a few more hours and launched from another gala to extend attack time to match his.. 2 seconds behind his fleet..Then 9hrs later the following impact for you to enjoy.. :)

Forgot to say I sent as a ACS attack just in case he managed with this long attack time to get others to ACS defend..this would allow me to send additional fleet.. Seeing that this shows on your alliance page.. Torgard asked if I needed help.. Checking available allies I figured I would be ok.. Though as I had not done an ACS yet I thought it would be fun. So Torgard added a few hundred Rips for extra fire power.. thanx bro a pleasure to fly with you. :dance:

Nothing personal cheechandchong just profit.. You showed some sportsmanship so a big Glotr..

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 8676808 units of Metal, 2466472 units of Crystal and 4716634 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 1.798.062.150 units.
A debris field containing 731.216.490 units of Metal and 322.715.700 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 18 %

All df collected..
Last edited by Gozar on Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Gozar & Torgard[IB]vs cheechandchong[GRATA]~TD~1.798.062

snave0110 wrote:Everyone, now we all know good game play wouldn't save your fleet.

Now here is a negative view.. Completely the opposite here dude.. Good game play kept his fleet for much longer than most players I hunt. The error was his in the end.. I will not say why (gives to much away) also would show disrespect to cheech. The main point is good game play can save you every time.. Just learn how and when etc..

Ask your self why players like PK and Jonnytman, kilox, Kick, Thor and kronic all have good fleets yes a few have lost them on the way due to RL or just mistake.. We all make those.. Seems players wish to give reasons for not playing well. This game is all about being on line and protecting what you build.. In the real world there is a saying " If you can't do the time, don't do the crime..." in ZE " If you can't do the time, don't whine.." :wall:

Re: Gozar & Torgard[IB]vs cheechandchong[GRATA]~TD~1.798.062

Whining ? How many time I dodge from your attack ? How many time you destroyed my moons ? Did I ever complaint to you ? Did I ever send you hate PM to you ? All I remember on last engagement you were the one who angry with me cause I played dead and you lost deut, why it happened ? Because you never send safety probe. I didn't see any sportmanship from you big Gozar. Myrsee congratz me after I dodge him couple times and that how great player played. How long you after me ? Since you taking over this account from klizac, one of great player, thats give you a big gun for a good start. If you still using your account I believe u just another player on the corner. :lol:
Check to all players in ZE since gumppy a year ago had some of my fleet who ever have my fleet and you will see my quality. Nobody ever saw my fleet unguard and you experienced it so many times.

Re: Gozar & Torgard[IB]vs cheechandchong[GRATA]~TD~1.798.062

snave0110 wrote:Whining ? How many time I dodge from your attack ? How many time you destroyed my moons ? Did I ever complaint to you ? Did I ever send you hate PM to you ? All I remember on last engagement you were the one who angry with me cause I played dead and you lost deut, why it happened ? Because you never send safety probe. I didn't see any sportmanship from you big Gozar. Myrsee congratz me after I dodge him couple times and that how great player played. How long you after me ? Since you taking over this account from klizac, one of great player, thats give you a big gun for a good start. If you still using your account I believe u just another player on the corner. :lol:
Check to all players in ZE since gumppy a year ago had some of my fleet who ever have my fleet and you will see my quality. Nobody ever saw my fleet unguard and you experienced it so many times.
Ok i have to comment here because you are waffling a lot of crap.

Firstly any player who is at the top works hard at the top and its not an easy task, players are always growing but the way Gozar fleets is something to admire just like RJ, or others that are so good at it.

It seems like a bit of jealousy or the fact that maybe your just being defensive because what Gozar said was 100% right.

Gozar is also after many people but when an opportunity arises he takes it.. You have a baby fleet why would he waste his time and if you dodged him why would he need to say well done, id just hit your defence and move on.

If i remember when you were hit the other day, you sulked that you were gonna leave, now your back.... Pffttttttt here take a tissue and wipe those tears