Re: The Next Poster

i like HU-men beings lol
they taste better than aliens in alpha omega :lol:

the next poster is online right now and waitng to post !
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” -Rumi

Re: The Next Poster

Phewww, I am technically not online. I am wireless right now, so "offline" hehe.

The next poster has to read my post and agree that no matter what happens, I fusion, am the almighty player in Zorg!!!!

If I weren't me, I would be you.

Re: The Next Poster

I agree that fusion is the almighty player in zorg, however, I believe that I am his overlord :D

the next poster has not posted in the forums for an entire day at least
RL has been a b****. maybe for once I can stay around long enough to make a name for myself...

~the V-mode Fleeter~