Re: Last One to Post Wins

Your nukes cannot harm me, i laugh at your nukes, i laugh at your fleet expeditions.

i can see this happening:
10% the nukes are eaten by either giant space bats
5% accidently hit a friendly alien aircraft causing Galactic world war 1 (well done /clap :3)
20% Your computers are lame enough to make em miss and hit trinder which is around 70 systems away :P
Another 20 cause it looks kewl, that i see it coming and use my fleet as operation human shield
100% you cant cause im in FA same as j00 :3

Total 155% Wewt
Chances of getting hugged by Istalris's Nukes: Possible I will embrace they with open arms :S

So now i have wasted alot of peoples tiem by writing this and my own tiem.
Dafluffeh, Leader of the fluffeh peoples, and leader of the United defence of Leporids.
When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend
Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
When in doubt, empty the magazine ^^

Re: Last One to Post Wins

Trinda you are the worlds punch bag, now climb back into your cupboard and be quiet.
As for your statistics, i see several flaws fluffeh.

1- Everyone knows giant space bats are extinct, the only wild creature being space monkies which are too small to consume my nukes.

2- The alien spacecraft will forgive me because i bring their leaders offerings of milk and fried snot.

3- How many times have i told you? Those are not computer malfunctions, i was aiming at Trinda all along.

4- You dont have a fleet big enough to raid a defenseless planet let alone use as a human shield.

This leaves the probability i will not launch my nukes in your direction at 100%. Greatly improved, i dont fancy your chances fluffs 8-)


Last edited by Istalris on Sat Feb 07, 2009 2:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Last One to Post Wins

Dont turn this is into a political debate :S RAAAWR, We fluffians do not liek
Dafluffeh, Leader of the fluffeh peoples, and leader of the United defence of Leporids.
When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend
Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
When in doubt, empty the magazine ^^