What a Forum....

I wonder what's happening . No posts at all for a while now. No sign of Zorg himself.
He pops up talking about development of the new server, asks for input from players and then disappears again.
No CR's for weeks now.
No discussions at all from anyone.
What is happening? Used to be that world chat was dead but Forums had some life in it.
Not even that now.
And when players complain that this game is dying , other players pound on them and afterwards Forums goes into another hibernation period again.
If this isn't evidence of the sad state of this game, i don't know what is.
Feel free to flame me, maybe that'll bring some life back to this godforsaken Forum lol
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: What a Forum....

I was wondering about it. I have been logging in to check once a day or so. I guess someone has to start the conversations lol.

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.
Sun Tzu

Re: What a Forum....

It has been a long time, I have been coming in daily and seeing nothing.

"Forums always need stirrers of conversations."

I think we could be sounding the death knell for these forums.

The posters who provoke conversation have given up.

For over three weeks nobody has posted anything, until now. It takes this prod to get people to post. Hopefully it will continue, but I'm sure that it will cease again soon enough.

We need a lot of the old controversial posters to throw something in to the mix. But Alas, I feel that this will not be the case, as soon as these interesting poster's post, they will be censured once again. No arguments.

Re: What a Forum....

The fact that people are not talking does not mean the game is dying, Sinister. It means they are busy. Zorg is a game. A pretty good game, I must say. A game i'll most probably pass on to my children and their children after them and on and on, should the game still exists lol. and real life is real life. Sometimes, you've just gotta stop playing and focus.