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Moon Destruction

May i ask you , if i decide to destroy a moon with RIPs does the fleet on the moon influence the result of the battle or just the size of the moon mathers.

and another question if i may, if i destroy that moon will the fleet on it disappeear, get destroyed + debris, or it will just appear on the planet that has that moon ?

Thank you in advance !
~ Before You Embark on a Journey of Revenge, Dig Two Graves ~

Re: moon destruction

For moon destruction, your RIP must survive all 6 rounds of combat, in other words, you must fight through any fleet or defense on the moon before you attempt to destroy it.

The fleet you destroy will make debris, the moon will not.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: moon destruction

Moon destruction mission is like a normal attack mission but it has an extra mission after the battle. If you manage to destroy the defender, it will proceed to destroying the moon. The mission will not continue to mission destruction if the defender wins or if it ends in a tie.

Edit: Istalris beat me to it and I misread the question. :oops:
Seasons end.

Re: moon destruction

thank you for your fast answers but i have yet another question.
when going to a destruction mision, for me to get rid of the fleet, can i send my fleet along with RIPs or i have to make solo operation with fleet before launching RIPs to destruction mision
~ Before You Embark on a Journey of Revenge, Dig Two Graves ~

Re: moon destruction

You can send your fleet along with the RIP's, it gets risky though, if your moon destrution fails there is a chance your ENTIRE attacking fleet will be destroyed and make no DF.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: moon destruction

Knowing that:
Only RIPS are counted in calculating the chance to destroy the moon.
If a moon destruction mission fails there is a chance that the entire fleet will be destroyed.

I would say you launch your main and RIP separately. But your your main fleet should hit the moon 1 sec before the RIP.
Seasons end.

Re: moon destruction

Serenity Alliance wrote:i thank you guys. Hope i wasnt a burden.

I-m now prepared to destroy some moons(after i get some RIPs ) :P

Have a nice day !
Sensible questions are never a burden ;) . Good luck on getting your RIP's ... *runs out to hide her moons*
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!