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Re: Getting ur Colony ship and new planet.

Thanks alot.
I've had a colony hip for nearly a week and thought I'd tried everything.

The way I got It explained by a top ranked geezer was It was an empty planet??Not any slot.

This should be part of 'how to start'

Took me just over a week.

Then another wasted..

Does having Cruisers 1st seem backward.(Only got them today)

Re: Getting ur Colony ship and new planet.

Hello people :)
i have a new question, not like the other guys who repeated themselves.
What is (if there is) the cost for making a planet beside the cost of the colony ship? because if there is none, you can colonize as fast as u can afford 100K metal and crystal.....and therefore get to the max very quickly...

and by the way the max planets allowed are only 10 colonies+home at normal and speed. at Xtreme u can have 20 colonies.