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Re: ACS Attack

I'd like to request a clarification on the combat system in an ACS attack. I get that each attacking fleet fires in order, but how does the defending fleet respond. If it treating the attackers as if they were all individual attacks. If so, the only advantage to an ACS is a shorter fight, but everyone would have to take on the full defending force for the first round.

Is this really how is works?

Re: ACS Attack

I cant acs unless depot is on the moon, so I would imagine that you would need a lvl 9 on your moon.
An expensive option unless it is a bug.
The system auto setting fleet speed auto removes a great tactic.
I beleive their should be limits like distance and over all percentage of timing, but being able to adjust speeds small amounts should be permitted.

Re: ACS Attack

Conspirator wrote:To kind of go along with Scag's question; If you have ACS on both planet and moon, say lvl 3 on each, would that mean 3 or 6 parties can participate in the attack? Or is it based on which of the two the attack is initiated?
It is based on who initiates the attack and from which location, planet or moon.
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Re: ACS Attack


The ACS Depot of the creator must be on planet.
The ACS depot of the participant must be at the planet or the moon, depending where it starts from and must be level 2.
No other limitations apply.

Please verify if everything works as above in all universes as we just received a bug report in administration email which we are not in position to verify right now. Most probably there should be no problems but a verification from any alliances that can afford 10 minutes to check it would be great.

We need 1 verification per universe. Thank you

Re: ACS Attack

Ran a quick test on Speed with the following in place:

Depot on Planet: Level 3
Depot on Moon: Level 1

Depot on Planet: Level 2
Depot on Moon: Level 1

I was able to initiate an attack from my moon even though the depot was at level 1 (but the planet's depots is the only one that matters correct?). However, the participant was unable to join from both his planet and moon even though he had the level 2 depot on the planet. He just received the following message:

You cannot join this ACS Attack as the Alliance Depot of the planet cannot support more.
Each level of the ACS Depot can support 1 attacker.
Click here to go to Overview page

I then launched from the planet and the participant again tried to join from his moon and from his planet and again received the following message:

You cannot join this ACS Attack as the Alliance Depot of the planet cannot support more.
Each level of the ACS Depot can support 1 attacker.
Click here to go to Overview page

Seems to be the whole system is broken.

Re: ACS Attack

-Planet Depot of the creator does not any longer has the limitation of level at start of launch. If you upgrade your depot after you have launched your attack, will be normally taken in mind.
-A better error message will now appear which will describe exactly the problem.

First post has been updated to reflect improvements.
There should be no more weird problems across all universes. Feel free to verify.