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Re: What is a Fleetsave?

I got a couple of emails telling me it was unfair for me to hide tips by blending the text with the background. XD Those were tips for people who know me. But they convinced me that this one should be known to everybody.

Sending an expedition to a moon on any slot 16 is undetectable by the lanx. The perfect FS. 100% safe if you know how to use it. ;)
Seasons end.

Re: What is a Fleetsave?

neoshagrath wrote:I got a couple of emails telling me it was unfair for me to hide tips by blending the text with the background. XD Those were tips for people who know me. But they convinced me that this one should be known to everybody.

Sending an expedition to a moon on any slot 16 is undetectable by the lanx. The perfect FS. 100% safe if you know how to use it. ;)
Just tested this out and it is true.

Is this a feature of the game or is this a glitch? If it is a glitch, can we get this fixed?

Re: What is a Fleetsave?

it should not be any problem in game, but this definitely should bare the same level of risk for expedition missions out at a planet. if this doesnt bare the risks i suggest sending exp missions to be blocked temporarily until the adjustments are made.

Re: What is a Fleetsave?

hi ive tried everything you said about fleetsave and i still cant get it right what am i doing wrong

how do i tell if the moon is inactive. ive tried fleetsave to alliance moons and just get error no acs depot or error action impossible if nobody has a acs depot then how do i do an undetected fleetsave. sorry for the problems but new to the game thanks

im new to this how do i know if a moon is inactive what do i need to look for

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double posting ~ Cypher

Re: What is a Fleetsave?

To find an inactive player look for an (i) or (iI) next to there name in galaxy view.
This means that they are inactive, and any moons they have can be used to fleetsave to.

The reason you cannot acs defend is because there is no acs depot built upon the moon (If you espionage the moon you can find out as the depot should be listed in the buildings section if built)

Try and encourage your alliance mates to build depots on their moons which you can then acs defend (0 seconds) to as a fleetsave.

You can also perform acs defend on the inactive moons so long as the depot is present, if not then you can attack the moon as a fleetsave option taking into consideration what Torgard said about any defenses on the moon

Chat Administrator ~ 7 Gale Points

Re: What is a Fleetsave?

Additional Notes.

1. If a moon is destroyed and this moon is used for fleetsaving the target of fleetsave will shift from moon to planet.
So in case you fleetsave from moon to moon and both moons are destroy the result will be you fleetsave from planet to planet.
This will result in your fleet being visible on phalanx.

2. Consider in your fleetsave that the moonsize determines how easy it is to destroy.
If you want to know how many rips it take to destroy a moon go to the ingame Help and select
Zorg Tools from the menu in there Moon Destruction and fill in the required questions.
Depending on the universe where you play and maximum number of rips spotted,
you can determine what is a safe moon to use.

3. Try to be unpredictable, if your fleet is spotted start to fleetsave from another location.

4. Divide your fleet in at least two parts at least and time them to return on different days.
The time will come an unexpected event will occur and you will loose your fleet!

Its much better to loose half then all.