If you cannot find the answer you seek here, use the Help forums.
Feel free to contribute to each post with verified data.

Fequently Asked Questions

Q: Does this game ever reset?
A: No. Not in the foreseeable future.

Q:How can I build Lunar Base ; Sensor Phalanx ; Jump Gate?
A:You need a moon.

Q:How can I get a moon?
A:You need a battle to take place on your planet. After the battle there is chance of getting a moon. 19% is the highest possible chance.
Debris field generated is one way of calculating the moon chance. 19% moon chance needs almost 2m debris. (metal+crystal)
http://www.zorgempire.com/forums/viewto ... =17&t=3761

Q:How do I get a new planet. How can I get a colony ship?
A:http://www.zorgempire.com/forums/viewto ... ?f=2&t=316
For the extreme server you can have a total of 21 planets. 20 colonies + 1 homeplanet.
For the standard and speed servers you can have a total of 10 planets. 9 colonies + 1 homeplanet. You can have an extra planet slot with "Superior Explorers" from the Zorg Empire Plus.

Q:How do I use Inter-Planetary Missiles (IPM)?
A:Go to the galaxy page and look at the icons on the right. Beside the PM, espionage, buddy request. If they are in range of your IPM then there will be a launch missile button.

Q:What is a fleet save? How can I fleet save?

Slash wrote:Fleet saving is putting your resources on a fleet mission so they are relatively safe from attack until you can be online to use them.

There are several ways to perform a fleet save. You can send your resources towards another player's planet and then recall it before it gets there. You can send your resources to one of your colonies. Or, you can send your resources on a recycler mission to a debris field- effectively doubling your mission time.
Squirrel wrote:There are various FS's.
Planet - DF - Harvest mission. Ok for a small fleet but others can see with a Phalanx.
Planet - Planet - Transport mission. Same as above, dont rely on it. Also, if you are carrying res it will be dumped on the planet while you are offline.
Planet - Planet - Deploy mission. Best option for those moonless players. Be online for when deploy lands, should someone try attack, you can recall.
Moon - Moon / Moon - DF - Safest fleetsave by far. Invisible to lanx.
You can also fleet save by attacking the moon of inactive players. It is also invisible to the lanx. Just make sure it has no defense that can dent your fleet.
You can change the speed of your fleet to adjust the time on when they will land.

Q:How does the player protection work.
A:You can't attack (a)anyone who has 5x your points or (b)anyone with 1/5 your points. They can't attack you either
Ex: If you have 6k points, you can't attack anyone with more than 30k points and anyone with less than 1.2k points..
Note: The player protection only applies if you have less than 100k points.
Which means when you reach 100k points, (a) is disabled. Even someone with 900k points can now attack you.
(b) still applies. You sill cannot attack someone with who has less than 1/5 your points. Until they reach 100k.

Q:Someone attacked me and I can't attack him back.
A: It is possible the loss of your ships from the attack reduced your points pushing you back into player protection.
Or maybe you tried to attack during the score update. Try again later.
Note: The fleets on a mission are not included in points during the score update. Beware of players taking advantage of this.

Q:In the Galaxy screen, what does the signs beside the names mean?
* = There was a recent activity on that planet.
# min = # of mins from last activity. It starts at 10 mins. It disappears at 60 mins.
You can view the legend on the lower right of the galaxy screen by placing your mouse over the word "LEGEND" but some may have problems because the pop-up extends beyond the bottom of the screen.

Q:Can I send resources to my friends?
A:Yes you can. But there are limits.
No player may knowingly send resources to a higher ranking player unless it is done during a trade (in accordance with the Trade Ratios posted on the forums). Once within a 24 hour period a higher ranking player may send the equivalent of 1 hour of production to a lower ranking player (pulling).

Q:24 hr production from the entire empire or from a single planet?
Administrator wrote:1hr production of each planet/per planet.


Planet A 500 per hour
Planet B 100 per hour
Planet C 50 per hour

Planet A can send send 500 but not 550 even if total hour production is 650.

Note that even this is not making much sense, it is the only way as our algorith works in this way.
You can send 500 from Planet A, 100 from Planet B and 50 from Planet C. If you have 21 planets then you can send 1 hr production from each planet.
More details HERE

Q:How do I join an alliance?
A:Click on the Alliance button on the Left Menu. If you are not in an alliance it will ask you to either create one or search for one. Search for the alliance you want, click on the alliance tag and submit your application. Read more here.

Q:When I raid, my cargo space does not completely fill up.
-You can only raid 50% of the defenders' resources for every attack. That is 50% metal , 50% crystal and 50% deut. Not the 50% of the combined resources.
-1/3 of your cargo space will be used for metal, another 1/3 for crystal, and 1/3 for deuterium.
-Crystal can can take up the cargo space for metal if there is not enough metal filling up to 1/2 the cargo space.
-Deuterium can take up the cargo space for metal and crystal if there is not enough metal or crystal filling up to 100% the cargo space.
Last edited by decadence on Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:43 am, edited 13 times in total.
Seasons end.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Bashing Rule
It is not allowed to attack any given planet or moon owned by a player over 5 times in a single 24 hours period.

Bashing is only allowed when your Alliance is at war with another Alliance.
The War must be announced on the official Zorg Empire Forums, under Alliances thread.

Note: Attacking fleets that are completely destroyed and Interplanetary missile attacks do not count towards the bashing rule. Moon destruction missions do count towards the bashing rules.

Q: Someone has attacked several of my planets more than 5 times! Is this bashing?
A: This depends if the 5 attack limit was broken on any given planet or not. The bashing rule allows a player to attack a SINGLE planet/moon no more than five times in 24 hours. The count is per planet/moon not your entire empire.

Q: A player sent more than five attacks at one of my planets, but the attacks were sent from more than one of HIS planet.. Does this still count as bashing?
A: Yes, definitely. The bashing rule is per attacking PLAYER - irregardless of planet - to defending planet. Defending planet matters, attacking planet doesn't.

Q: Are we allowed to bash players who are inactive or banned?
A: Yes. The bashing rule does not apply to inactives and banned players.


Cold planets produce more deuterium but less energy from solar sats.
Hot planets produce less deuterium but more energy from solar sats.
Planets closer to the sun (slot 0 imaginary) are generally hotter.
Planet slots 4-7 generally have more fields (building space).
Last edited by decadence on Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:51 am, edited 10 times in total.
Seasons end.

Re: FAQ for noobs from a noob

fantastic neo, but ide love if you put in some stuff about alliance, how to join one, and then how to manage one. Ive seen a few questions about energy, so just like what it is and why it goes red lol perhaps mention what zorg rubies and how one would go about getting them as well. and possibly add that after a certian point, some techs become useless.
take my love, take my land, but you can't take the sky from me

Re: Fequently Asked Questions

It means there was a recent activity on the planet.
neoshagrath wrote:* = There was a recent activity on that planet. The triggers I noted were, a building in construction queue was just finished ; the player just logged in ; the planet was just probed or attacked ;a fleet landed on the planet, viewing the overview of that planet.
# min = # of mins from last activity. It starts at 10 mins. I think it disappears at 60 mins.
Seasons end.