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Re: Fequently Asked Questions

Max fields on a planet vary by universe. In Speed the max is 300 and in X and Standard the max is around 600 I believe. The number of fields is random at colonization, but it is true that some slots tend to give you more fields.

Official trade ratios can be found here (this holds true for all universes). Almost all trades are made at either 3:2:1 or 4:2:1 ratios (met:crys:deut).
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: Fequently Asked Questions

Planet sizes vary, regardless of slot. Statistically, you have a better chance of gaining a larger colony in certain slots, but is still only a chance. There is no way to know how many fields on any colony until it is colonized. In Speed, initial field size for new colonies is capped at 300. Not sure of the cap on other servers, but they largest I have seen is close to 500.

Official trade ratios, according to the merchant are 4 metal: 2 crystal: 1 deut