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Inactive player status

I am new to Zorg and was looking at the galaxy screen to see various codes for Player Status but cannot find anywhere these codes are explained. I am also expecting there is a code to identify inactive players which should be OK to farm while I am still so very new here.

Please can someone explain, or better, point to a page where this info is available.

Re: Inactive player status

Welcome to Zorg, Tumbi. :)

Players with black names and and the (◊ I) symbols next to their name are long term inactives and generally safe to farm. If your espionage tech isn't high enough to see what the player has, check their fleet points and defense points listed in the profile that appears when you click on the player name. If both of these are 0, in most cases you should be safe! Players with grey names and just a single diamond in parentheses next to their name are also inactive, but they have not been inactive long and are more likely to have higher defenses or even a bit of fleet.

As far as the other codes, players with red names and an "s" in parentheses next to their name are more than 5x's stronger than you. You will not be able to attack these players and they will not be able to attack you until you exit protection (when protection ends depends on the server you play in). Players with green names and an "n" next to their name are weaker than you, and you will not be able to attack them until they exit protection as well. Players with blue names and a "v" next to their name are in vacation mode, and aren't actively playing, so you cannot probe or attack them. Players with white names have a similar number of points to you (less than 5x's up or down), and you are free to attack them, and they you, regardless of whether or not you are in player protection.

I hope this helps!

Re: Inactive player status

Well, Pulsar has beaten me to it. Her explanation is by far the best guide. Follow these guidelines and you can't go too far wrong.

The only thing I would add, and perhaps it's too soon to suggest this. You could, if you have them send more probes at your target in one mission. This will increase what is visible to you, dependent on your espionage tech.

Re: Inactive player status

Hi again Tumbi,

Planet names that show as green are members of your alliance. If you don't have an alliance, all unallied players will have green planet names. Your own planets will have red names. However, if you are on one of your moons and looking at the galaxy view from there, all planet names will show as white. This is one of those things that isn't very important, and since most people operate from their moons, it ultimately becomes pretty pointless. But, there's your answer.