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Re: Special buildings

I'm sorry if it's a stupid question but whats LF? :)
Just started playing so im not up to speed with all the game abbreviations :D

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: L. F.

Your right it does stand for Light Fighter, here are other abbreviations:
H. F.= heavy fighter
S. C.= small cargo
L. C.= large cargo
Esp. P.= espionage probe
Rec. = recycler
B.C.= battlecrusier
B.S.= battleship
Sol. Sat.= solar satellite
D. S.= death star
Dest.= destroyer
I hope these help out those who needed to know the abbreviations.
Your just jealous because the voices only talk to me.

Re: Special buildings

1667 Light Fighers? I think i speak for the whole forum when i say holy crap.
Also, neo, if that theory is correct, does it mean if there is a debris field around my planet and it keeps on building and building and building until it is huge and doesent get recycled, there is a chance it will form into a moon?

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Special buildings

neoshagrath wrote:Yes I think so.
I usually shuffle through the galaxy looking for debris then send my recyclers.
I bet I'm not the only one doing that.
I meant I think it is possible that a moon will be created from accumulated debris.

BUT... People like me send my recyclers to large debris and recycle it.
Usually, only 300 crystal is left on the debris after scavengers like me goes through it.

So I think the only chance of creating a moon is from a single large attack. How large? I don't know (the squirrel says 1667 LF). How many should be destroyed? I don't know.

Maybe Zorg can enlighten us on how the chances of creating a moon is calculated?

PS. Sorry for another bother Zorg. You're the only admin I have seen replying to peoples posts. Except that one time from the admin regarding the log in issues.
Anyway thanks for being here. :shock: I'm not being sentimental but it seems like it. :lol:
Seasons end.