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Reloaded- Vacation mode while fleet missions are in route

Twice now in Reloaded, once very early on and again today, players have gone into vacation mode during an attack mission and a moon destruction mission. I was under the impression from experience in other servers that one cannot enter vmode while fleet missions are active. Is this a change that was made or a bug that has not yet been reported for this server?

My point is, going vacation mode makes it so that you cannot be probed, If someone is sending rips to your moon, move enough fleet to counter the moon destruct mission and then go blue. making the attacker unable to see a counter fleet or force them to recall. Then set up some recycling missions with some other players to scrape together the debris field.

This seems odd to say the least.

Re: Reloaded- Vacation mode while fleet missions are in route

Ephemeral wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2017 2:04 am
What he is saying though is the defender could jump enough fleet to destroy the attack and then talk to a friend to gather the Df
And what's wrong with that? It sounds like clever strategic gameplay, if you ask me.

I find that all too often people seem to have a vested interest in making this game more straightforward, less risky, and less dynamic... but in my opinion the riskiness itself, and exploitation of clever strategies to either capitalize on or counter that risk, is what actually makes the game fun.

Re: Reloaded- Vacation mode while fleet missions are in route

Overdose wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2017 2:34 am
I agree, clever. it is a maneuver i have not yet experienced. what bothers me is this: hiding the defending fleet from probes using Vmode as cover. Which seems like it would violate some sort of bug exploitation.
Not every little bit of game dynamics that can be used cunningly and turned to one's own advantage counts as a bug. Again, these are the things that make the game interesting. Would you rather it was completley free of risk? Maybe you would. I do find this is what top players tend to want after a time, but I can't say I agree with it. The very top player(s) already enjoy (if that's the right word) essentially risk free gameplay if they play correctly.

Re: Reloaded- Vacation mode while fleet missions are in route

My question was simple. I assumed that vacation mode made it so that you cannot be effected nor effect the server outside of communication. Yet, attacks and defends can still go through. This alone " is a maneuver i have not yet experienced" and what i had mentioned in the initial post about a certain strategy that could be used what just an idea that sprouted from not knowing this was actually an option. So i raised a flag in question of its validity. Maybe i should have reached out to someone through personal message rather than posting it here. seeing as all i have received is backhanded, condescending remarks.

Thank you Zorg for your straight forwardness.

Re: Reloaded- Vacation mode while fleet missions are in route

Pulsar wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2017 2:12 am
Ephemeral wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2017 2:04 am
What he is saying though is the defender could jump enough fleet to destroy the attack and then talk to a friend to gather the Df
And what's wrong with that? It sounds like clever strategic gameplay, if you ask me.

I find that all too often people seem to have a vested interest in making this game more straightforward, less risky, and less dynamic... but in my opinion the riskiness itself, and exploitation of clever strategies to either capitalize on or counter that risk, is what actually makes the game fun.
I agree it's clever but not my play-style, it does seem underhanded but as Chester once said "In the end it doesn't even matter."