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Negative resources

I didn't play Zorg for a few years and came back to find that I have -64 million metal, -40 million Crystal and -4 million deut.

I'm so.muchnin debt it will take months to get back in the positives.

This so happened on some planets bit not on others.

Any help?

Re: Negative resources

It sounds like you were over reliant on solar sats the last time you played. Negative power levels, your mines will track backwards. When you last played, I presume you didn't enter v mode. You need to up your power requirements. Solar sats will fix this in the short term, depending on your mine levels of course, but in the long term you need to up your power levels with permanent structures. In the short term, select which of your mines is the most efficient. Go in to the structures and set the percentage of power levels for each mine type. It may take a while to sort out. The only other way is to permanently enter v mode and start a new account.

Re: Negative resources

Thank you.
I have managed to get the deut to positive but when I try to send a ship out I still get an error message claiming that I don't have enough deut. Must be a bug. I have 500k or more deut and enough energy now due to produce more but cannot send out ships. Very frustrating. Also my crystal is still -65.000.000!!!