Greetings & Salutations Everyone

Hello everyone, I go by Ra-Sec. I'm 30-something going on 80. :D I'm from the States & work in a sushi bar (It's not gross either, it's awsome by the way! :dance: Never liked it till I worked there, honest. :drool: ). When I'm not working, sleeping, eating, or getting into trouble :twisted: , I can be found playing various games online. This one has caught my eye & is pretty fricking cool so far. 8-) Can't wait to jump in fully. ;)
If knowledge is power.... How come my power company can't answer my physics exam questions when I call???

Re: Greetings & Salutations Everyone

Glad to see you around, Ra-Sec. The forums have pretty much every answer to any question you have about the game :). And if you can't find an answer, everyone here is always willing to help.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________