
Hi eveybody, I joined the game about a week ago and I'm very satisfied with it. I play in X-treme, I like to endure games and play hundreds of hours before the game gets stuck in a uber-unreachable level...

I hope we can have communication and I'd be more than glad to witness improvements in this game.

I'm from Chile, 24 years old, somewhat busy guy, but hopefully this type of games are not so so ( :wtf: SO!) time demanding so I hope I can progress for a while before my planets get raped by the pros hahah!!

I'll be watching the "Game Suggestions" page often to get in touch with the changes, and suggest some changes as well.

My in-game nick is Yawgmoth. C ya :whistle: !

Re: Salutations!

Phyrexian Colossus wrote:Hi eveybody, I joined the game about a week ago and I'm very satisfied with it. I play in X-treme, I like to endure games and play hundreds of hours before the game gets stuck in a uber-unreachable level...

I hope we can have communication and I'd be more than glad to witness improvements in this game.

I'm from Chile, 24 years old, somewhat busy guy, but hopefully this type of games are not so so ( :wtf: SO!) time demanding so I hope I can progress for a while before my planets get raped by the pros hahah!!

I'll be watching the "Game Suggestions" page often to get in touch with the changes, and suggest some changes as well.

My in-game nick is Yawgmoth. C ya :whistle: !

I always liked Phyrexian Colossus... although abit useless but amazing! I used to include the card just for fun...