
I'm Ivy, named after a netherland dwarf rabbit. XD :dance:
Anyway, does anypeep have anything cool to share with a noob? Lol, I have been trying too get in with a few alliances, hoping that I'll hit a sentimental person who wouldn't mind a toatal noob, but, as far, nobody really wants me. I did go into the server Massacre though....probably not the best choice for somebody who has never played to enter Sparta... :oops:

Re: *~~~~*Ivy*~~~~*

" " does anypeep have anything cool to share with a noob? " "

Here's a couple ..Did you know tigers can mate up to 50 times a day,and another one that's cool.... During your lifetime you'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food, that's the weight of about 6 elephants, wouldn't fancy shoveling that !
viewforum.php?f=17 is a good place to start :) Good luck and welcome