
*light bow*
Greetings fellow emperors/empresses

I go by the nickname makanko, i've started playing this game since .. yesterday
it looks great and i like the time based playing.
I've started my noobie empire on standard server to get to learn the ropes, maybe move up to a faster one overtime since i am sure to be able to play this game often (highly susceptible to addictive games :mrgreen: )

I'm from Belgium, 26yrs old, I work for the government (internet access @ work :dance: )
besides work i play soccer, enjoy movies, hanging out with mates at the pub or other places or simply lazing it out on the sofa

see you ingame (just leave the recources eeh)

Re: hi

Perhaps he'll become a legend and head on over to Xtreme to play with the big dogs :).

Welcome to ZE.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: hi

Only most of us bite.

I only bite on Tuesdays >.>
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________