Hi there every one just want to wish you all a merry christmas or happy holidays whichever your culture accepts. I hope you all get to spend all the time you can with your loved ones, remember you never know how long you have so take it while you can. I will be gone through the hollidays so i hope you all can manage without me lol... build those fleets extra crunchy for when i return as i will not be back untilll after hollidays cause if my wife catches me then i will be in a hotel room marrying zorg lol.. think i joke she has the devorse papers waiting for me to sign into zorg lol.. i promised at least a week starting tomorrow so i must keep it. she may get sick of me and tell me to go play though.. anyway MERRY XMAS ZORG THANKS FOR THE GREAT YEAR ZORG AND ALL THE TWEAKS AND ADDITIONS. OOH OOOH I WANT ONE GIFT FROM YOU MR ZORG SIR........ BUHN BUHN BUHN BUHN ELITE RECYCLER.. HAVE A NICE HOLLIDAY

-Fixed the spelling of Hanukkah ;) Happy Holidays! ~Russell
Dont fear death welcome it...


As I finish my 10th month here and begin my second account, I want to thank all those who have helped me learn the game. I have made some good friends and a few enemies i suppose. I wish all of you the happiest holidays and may the new year treat you with great kindness. Chuck, as i have told you, if i see you on during the holidays i will hit you myself. I will be spending this season alone so for those of you who will be with family and friends, cherish them. As my friend chuck has said, they may not be with you the next day.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
Arthur Stempf (Thinman/HombreDelgado)
If I cannot have your respect, your fear will do just fine.
It's to bad stupidity isn't painful


Well, since you guys are spreading the joy around, i thought i'd help you . 8-)
Merry Christmas /Happy hanukkah to all...Friends and enemies alike :dance:
Been 2 years since i started here, 1 year in X and then i moved to M when it launched. Made some great friends (Jackal, Contruga and a few more) and some arch-enemies (need i post their names? ).Left for a few months but returned , because i missed the game and my friends.
We will see what the new year will bring. We're all still alive, the world didn't end last Friday :mrgreen: , so i think we're good lmao..
Happy holidays!

Mario Jaggan (MrSinister/Skywalker) :twisted:
Walk with THA swagger!