Yet another oversimplified game

Another almost game...
Almost a decent economy/growth
However, overly simplistic and easily spoofed combat system.

I had 60 Plasma Turrets, 80 Gauss Cannon, 100 Battleships and a bunch of other stuff...and a guy sends a fleet with 10 Spy drones and that's all I destroy?
Absolute and utter nonsense! Too bad, Almost a game...

Re: Yet another oversimplified game

i think he is pissed because he don't under stand how the battle engine works. like how shields regenerate after each round. and how that guy sent the 20 probs in hopes of drawing the battleships RF away from there main fleet... he'll most likely quite if some one tells him there is a plus or minus 20% on weapons and shields for attacker and defender, and that RF is a random number given the max amount of fire's per round, and that shields don't regenerate before or during the RF stag of the round...
its just over simplified.... battle ship is where its at... much harder game

okay okay... really (Yet another oversimplified game) and posting some dude crashed your ships. that amount of defense is weak. and 100 BS is like 3.5m metal and 0.7m crystal. sounds like an easy snack.
how i'm still around.... no one knows...