Re: i see a lot of inactives have been vmoded...

Ezio wrote::? :o :o :o :o so I see that a lot of players magically came online at the same time and v moded :D
players that have been long term inactive since I started playing extreme. so tell us why you removed players with no fleet or defence that were farms.... removing farms impacts negatively on us(the players) which in the long run impacts negatively on you (the admins) so what is the point of putting all in actives into v-mode?? forcing us to stop playing a lot of people will assume.... :?
haven't seen an answer to the "why" yet...
apparently I'm bad at keeping track of changes, cause I indeed missed the fact that the action was announced,
so thank you for pointing but that it was announced...but I still don't know the why behind it?

I still don't see the benefit to Zorg, when these players are in V-mode, instead of the inactive state they were in?
It's not like they need protection?
It's not like they need to be cleared to free up space?
Raiding inactives IS a valid strategy to gain more resources over your own however you look at it, suspension of these "fat fish" doesn't change that, just makes it harder...
And as has been stated it impacts the lower ranked newbees more than it does the already established accounts.

I don't care how it was in the old days, how hard it was in the early years, how resilient you had to be...
I do not believe it is a smart action in the now, the current day and time and that is why I'm speaking against it...

feel free to disagree!

Re: i see a lot of inactives have been vmoded...

<-----------No longer green, so I am no longer a moderator of the forums. I asked Sloth to remove me from the team as I can longer support the game.

Yes Mark, I vmoded all 272 accounts that I have in Xtreme and the 412 accounts on Speed. Everyone but AZGD cheats all the time. Too bad you will never get the 999B deut that I illegally acquired through hacking the server and exploiting everyone's account. You never noticed the missing resources that were siphoned off of each active account. I have already declared you the winner, so stop flapping your cake hole.

Say it with me "I am sofa king, we tarred it".

Since you guys cannot see past your nose in your short sightedness of this action, I shall not try to restate the obvious. I will leave it as a monumental business fail on Zorg's part. My only thought is that this has something to do with the domain issues. For those of you that are ignorant to such things, the reason you couldn't login a few days ago was due to someone not paying the domain registration fee and the game was suspended until payment was received. Ramifications of that is simple, Zorg could have lost the domain of
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Re: i see a lot of inactives have been vmoded...

If this decision isn't reversed, the game's environment will be that of when the game was just opened, maybe how it was a few months after. My only fear about this decision is that the people who are still growing will be affected, they'll be fed off of by raiders and fleeters once they get hungry. Hence, they will give up and stop growing, go inactive, etc. This universe will turn as miserable as Massacre, everyone knows how dead that server is and they only have a few good farms, the last thing I want is for X to turn into Massacre.
The two most powerful warriors are patience and time

Re: i see a lot of inactives have been vmoded...


1)When we started the game, we were deleting inactive users at 30 days. 30 days inactivity and you were off.

2)Then we introduced the ruby option which would leave your account intact if it had more than 50 rubies. Our reason was to help some players save their accounts after going inactive by some real life scenario.

3)Then we extended inactive deletion to 60 days.

4)At some point, we stopped deleting inactives.

5)We resume deleting inactives at 365 days.

6)We dropped that to 180 days and 250 max per week.

7)We deleted about 5000 accounts last week; They were all inactive. None has noticed it or at least none commented it.

8)The inactive accounts that have been vmoded are all accounts:
-Inactive for more than 180 days
-Have 50 or mor rubies.

If they had no rubies, they would be gone a long time ago now.

The reasons on why we did this, are:
-These accounts has certainly fulfilled their scenario as farm. More than they should. An everlasting farm provides no challenge. Farms should have short period of life in our thinking.

-Some of these accounts may have been artificially set up by some players in order to milk. For example, hey buddy, create a big planet there and there and there, put 50 rubies on and go inactive. Of course, such a farm cannot help 1 player eventually as more will run but if done extensively, it can easily spiral out of control.

-We reached a point, where players found it reasonable and strategic to donate 50 accounts to an account in order to use it as a farm or a fleet save option or whatever. This is something we do not find healthy.

-The base element of the game is PvP wars. If most players play against farms, it enhances the PVE aspect of the game which results in less interest for the game in long term.

-Surely, big incomes can be very entertaining at first and players think like they found eldoraldo gold, but in the longterm it does not help their immersion with the game.

Finally, some more facts:
-ZE X-TREME activity is on the rise and we have a very good base of players at some thousands points (not yet millions) who are growing in a healthy way. They need some help in order to compete with the top guns but such farms are not the optimal way. We await your suggestions. Note that the players active right now on X-TREME are the best in compare to a long time before.

-This meter has not yet been installed to other universes. We might do the same in SPEED though which has similar issues with X-TREME. Massacre is the next candidate while we have no interest to extend this to Standard. We will see.

-The total of vmoded accounts in this way were 170.

-This is not the FIRST time it happened. It has happened in LARGER scale MANY times before. It has been GREETED all the times by similar posts, threats, etc from part of the playerbase. IE viewtopic.php?f=42&t=11350 (Dec 2013). Again, It has happened MANY times. The game is still here.

I understand X-TREME is having some issues with a certain player who has grown too far. We are ready for your suggestions on tools you want to take him down. That's a different talk though.

Re: i see a lot of inactives have been vmoded...

Its 13 months if you check the link I provided.

Also, the total amnount of V-moded players in X-TREME is now 400 players. These are players that if they start to play ocassionally, they will increase the competitivity of X-TREME.

We hope now that their accounts are no longer useful to their friends in this way, these people will tell them to come back and play.

Re: i see a lot of inactives have been vmoded...

well half or your growing players are leaving this server don't know if their threats are real but i do know mine is i am one of those 200k players but im still growing meaning i needed inactives to farm but it was fun playing here maybe i give another server a try or maybe this is good bye.

i say it is goodbye for now.

Re: i see a lot of inactives have been vmoded...

AS a player from the most neglected server, Standard, I would add that you have to change your game plans. From what I can see in Xtreme, there are plenty of resources sat about fot "newbs" to feed from. Much more than other servers.

Standard, no generated inactives. No acs attack, etc etc etc.

But the hardcore players still survive. Newbs still come to the game. Competition is greater.

Evolve or die. Stop moaning (unless your are in LSD, that's your forte). Adapt. Don't quit.

If you can't then I fear you would probably have left the game anyway.