Re: Raiding alliance members worlds

I have no idea, perhaps you do it honestly there? But as we all know, what this player we are talking about in Standard, if that is you, is doing is cheating. The pm's floated back and forth, both with that player and the leader of his said alliance, basically by suggesting it is not written verbatim in the rules that you can't do this, then it is not cheating. By saying this, and with other messages, it says that this is what's going on. He is only fooling himself, but not of the rest of us.

If self delusion is your game, if "massaging" figures to make themselves number 1, then it is a very sad, deluded individual and furthermore, alliance that is responsible for this. However, the point has been made. These players, alliances that resort to this, CHEATS, they are aware of what they are doing. We are all aware of what they are doing. Cheats are cheats, no disguising this. No need for more discussion.

Cheats and their alliances do not prosper. It will come back and bite them sooner or later.

I will now lock this post. Enough has been said.