I understand that there has been posts before regarding the blocking of players sending PM's.

But, as an alliance leader I would like to forward a suggestion.

Lines of communications between alliance leaders should ALWAYS be kept open. There should be a fix to keep it as a mandatory thing. Obviously players would disagree. But if you do get insulting or abusive PM's then either ignore it or report it. Better still, let your fleets do the talking.

Players in charge of alliances should always have the option to talk to their counterparts in other alliances even if their members cannot. In times of war or in other instances these lines are always needed.

Thoughts anyone?


I see why this would be a good idea. However, I'm not sure whether Standard has had the problem of alliance leaders blocking each other often enough to justify mandatory lines of communication. There is always the forums to settle disputes or declare war/peace.
And, even in the event that one alliance leader PM-blocked another, I'm not really sure that the blocker has an obligation to unblock the other leader if only because they're both leaders of their respective alliances. There is historical precedent for this; nations IRL sever diplomatic communication if they want to.
In conclusion, I think that keeping communications ongoing should be an active choice for alliance leaders, not an obligation by the Zorg system.
Member of Allied Habitable Space


I believe that the leaders should leave communications open, but Atauzeromind's point is valid. Perhaps this should be seen as good practice but not mandatory.
As for this being a problem in standard, as former leader of an alliance I was blocked by some players just for warning them about the cost of attacking my fellow members. I was polite and even offered tutoring for one of them, but sometimes people just don't want to listen to us. One of the mentioned players is the leader of an alliance now and still have me blocked. So yes, this is an issue in standard.