Change of Forum Mods..

With the continued development of ZE. I think it would be a good time to swap Moderators. In this I mean there are moderators for each Universe. So to prevent warnings and comments from all sides, would it not be a good idea for Mods to switch Unis to moderate over.. e.g. You do not moderate on a universe you are active in or have direct contact with players you are controlling moderating on in said forum..? This would prevent any interest bias or other wise.. reduce flaming and general discord.. Of course this is just a suggestion..please feel free to reply but again try not to flame or be derogatory to Mods they are just trying to do a job..(unpaid to

Re: Change of Forum Mods..

Excellent suggestion.

I have always thought that separation of mods / players was a good idea. Now that we have 3 universes, it would be easy to segregate the mods. I would even be willing to mod over a universe I do not play (such as Standard and soon to be Speed). ;)

Re: Change of Forum Mods..

The concept has already been proposed by Zorg, through discussion was decided was unneeded until the forum has a much larger active playerbase. I like the idea though, would make for good organisation, however, I don't think it would work too well with the current level of activity.

There is another thing I'd like to add to this for when it eventually may be executed, and that is that mods not be allowed to directly moderate the universe section they are playing in, we are all still humans after all, and conflicts do arise at our best attempts to stop them, more so when you are an in game rival with the one you are moderating.

However, in the larger scheme of forum moderating, a particular moderator not having direct contact with one or another Universe is irrelevant in the dealing with rule breaches. If the moderator for said universe is not enforcing the rules as they should, it would be dealt with. That, and we use a central administration forum for discussing a variety of issues, so in the end all moderators and Zorg have their input on what should be done about a certain situation.

So, in conclusion; it is a good idea to separate moderators duties to specific sections when the forum gets more crowded (more so than it is now), but the overall effect will not change who gets warnings and bans, because all warnings and bans handed out are for legitimate reasons.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Change of Forum Mods..

I have to agree on this one, There should be different mods based on the universes. We have had the same mods for quiet some time, and I feel its time for a change. I think the best way to figure this out though is not to sit here and talk back and forth about it, but to make zorg open their eyes and put up a vote on it. We should see how the rest of the player base, that are active on the forums, feel about it. Obviously I haven't had any problems with the mods, and nor do i try to, but Zorg Empire is "moving forward" and changing, I believe the forums should do the same.
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: Change of Forum Mods..

moderation is a dutiful and responsible job. that requires dedication and commitment to the community above all clear understanding on how to do the job best.

before going to think of new mods cant we sit back and ask if there is any need for new mods? whether the current ones are not doing their job well? and if they are failing why is that? lets not break the wheel and go on invent on the benefits of circular disks.

why break something that has been working well for so long right?

EDIT: even before raising that question think of moderators as a team of players who needs to function together. and with better understanding of each other and trust. that does take time. let them come up with a suggestion along with admin if the current system needs reevaluation. they have been sincere so far i trust they will find the right course in this one too.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Change of Forum Mods..

SPY wrote:moderation is a dutiful and responsible job. that requires dedication and commitment to the community above all clear understanding on how to do the job best.

before going to think of new mods cant we sit back and ask if there is any need for new mods? whether the current ones are not doing their job well? and if they are failing why is that? lets not break the wheel and go on invent on the benefits of circular disks.

why break something that has been working well for so long right?

EDIT: even before raising that question think of moderators as a team of players who needs to function together. and with better understanding of each other and trust. that does take time. let them come up with a suggestion along with admin if the current system needs reevaluation. they have been sincere so far i trust they will find the right course in this one too.
The Answers you seek are not possible to answer as it could be misplaced for mod baiting. The suggestion is just that maybe to avoid conflicts with individuals it would be good to have them mod different sections as Istalris said rightly when the room gets more flooded and busier