[Completed] Speed/Massacre Migration in Monday

Hi everyone,

We have to migrate Speed and Massacre universes in order to install SSL support. This is going to be a tricky migration, perhaps the trickiest of any we have done before. For this reason, pay attention to the details below:

-Migration will start in Monday (about the time of this post)
-Zorgempire.org will be unreachable for some minutes (at best) to some hours (at worse).
-Every user will be able to reach zorgempire.org if he cleans his DNS cache right after the migration. (given that his ISP is not greedy)
-For every user not able to reach zorgempire.org, we will provide IP links through THIS post so you will be able to login at any case.

We will also enforce the following rules in-game for Massacre and Speed universes:
-Attacks will be restricted prior to the migration.
-Any attacks scheduled to happen DURING the migration will not be conducted (fleets will return home with no battle taking place - there have been players that exploited such events in the past).
-The attack restriction will last at least 24hours.

X-TREME and Standard WILL NOT be affected. HOWEVER login pages will only be available through http://www.zorgempire.net. Of course, by cleaning your DNS cache, you might be able to login from .org as well.

For your convenience, here are the direct login pages for every universe:
Standard: http://www.zorgempire.net/login.php
X-TREME: http://xtreme.zorgempire.org/login.php
Speed: http://www.zorgempire.org/login.php
Massacre: http://massacre.zorgempire.org/login.php

IP login pages:
Speed: WILL BE ANNOUNCED after migration
Massacre: WILL BE ANNOUNCE after migration

We have noticed that chrome requires an extra cleanup to access it immediately:
Go to tools -> options -> Under the hood -> Clear Browsing data and check 'empty the cache' and click on clear browsing data.

Re: Speed/Massacre Migration in Monday - Everyone read

The migration is done.

Login should be possible:
-Through most proxy servers (Just hit www.zorgempire.org to check).
-If you manage to clean your own DNS cache (ISP relevant too - in 15 minutes if your ISP is great)
-Through for SPEED universe
-Through for Massacre Universe

Attack limitation will be maintained for at least 24hours.
Post here if you manage to login through normal domain to test out propagation delay.