Re: New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

We need your help to the following counting category.
Just post here username and token besides it.

Category 1)
For every 3 combat report replies (by other users -different than attacker and defender), both attacker and defender earn 1 token. Cap 5 per topic.

We got the rest already thanks to our mad scripting skills :P

This needs to be done to all universes... I will allow up to 48hours for the data.

(Remember, posts from October 6 to October 31, 23:59:59 count)

Re: New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

Tally for Extreme (as far as I can tell. Apologizes for inaccuracies or screwing up anyone's name)

SilverVixen: 3 combat reports with three or more replies.

Gozar 5 combat reports with three or more replies

Dicator 1 token

Cristi 1 token

Sparkle 3 tokens

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.
Sun Tzu

Re: New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

SilverVixen wrote:Tally for Extreme (as far as I can tell. Apologizes for inaccuracies or screwing up anyone's name)

SilverVixen: 3 combat reports with three or more replies.

Gozar 5 combat reports with three or more replies

Dicator 1 token

Cristi 1 token

Sparkle 3 tokens
Seriously? Any combat report is applicable? Well I know for a fact that AZGD could have posted multiple hits on players but less than 100mill TD so therefore weren't posted.....also, many posts elsewhere were just 1-5 word replies ...pointless imo but they still count? What started as a great idea ended up as predicted....forums clogged with trivial posts and more important posts ignored....all just to get post tally up....and that was not what the competition was all about ....and that is why a lot of players boycotted forums as you may have noticed......