[LOCKED] New Datacenter - Expected downtime

Greetings everyone,

Our hosting company is moving out to a new datacenter. All our servers with them will need to be moved out.

Right now, the only things we know is that there will be a downtime of 1 hour.
We also were able to schedule it to a time where there is not much traffic for us.

We do not know the exact date yet but we will receive a notice 24hours prior to the move.
Good news is that it is only one hour though.

For any problems that may arise, we will be here to fix them so there should be no worries at all.


Re: New Datacenter - Expected downtime

After weighting our options, we have decided to go for a new server to avoid excessive downtime.
We will also try to move out right away to the new login system for all, to skip future merging downtime.