Re: Scheduled Maintenance Downtime

The first downtime part of the maintenance is now over. The server went offline for about 5 minutes.

Maintenance is not complete though and we might need one more 5 minutes downtime. Probably not but I am giving a heads up in case we eventually need. In this case, it will take place within the hour without further notice.

Re: [Concluded] Scheduled Maintenance Downtime

Yup, there are NO generated accounts. Just accounts that start up and are immediately inactive within seconds of being created.

How long should it be before accounts go inactive? Strange, that players come in to this game, create an account and leave straight away. Their brand, spanking new accounts go inactive within a MINUTE, these NON GENERATED accounts do this a lot.

Perhaps these NON GENERATED accounts should be looked at? I mean, if these NON GENERATED ACCOUNTS owners come back after a day, they could find that their NON GENERATED ACCOUNTS have been attacked, even though they should be in protection. At this time, protection for these NON GENERATED ACCOUNTS is non existent.