Re: Explanation of recent downtime

[quote="largo"]We Are Here Lucky On Speed , Becos We dont have A Hunger Predator Like Gozar
He will Always Looks For Chance Like This To Take Out Enemy that He cant Take On Normal Game[/quote]

LOL myself and my mates have been called similar, but not to the extent of gozar the horrible.

i completely take back my other post on this, as i had no clue this many people were crashed and affected by this. I dont work for zorg, I only play his game, but even if i did, i would still say this shouldnt have happened this way. Gozar probably should have had some kind of decency about all this because of course he had to know what was up, but come one, we are talking about gozar. Ultimately the responsibility falls on Zorg. As other posts have said, in the past when a similar downtime occured, there were protections put in place to avoid this type of thing. I wasnt affected, other than some inconvience, but the ball is in zorg's court now.

Re: Explanation of recent downtime

Administration governs fair play. If you feel you did what you could but still lost your fleet because of the downtime, feel free to email administration at to work out a solution.

Despite from what many think aloud here, the sneak fleet crashes that have been reported are very few.

Is is mostly a matter of sportmanship.