Massacre universe is 1 month old ! + Universe Stats

Massacre universe is now 1 month old!

Here are some statistics for the mileage:

Players: 4733
Alliances: 126
Max players ever online: 250

Planets: 6683
Moons: 47

Messages Sent: 756,465
Total Missions: 246,062
Total Battles: 59,524
Missiles Launched: 257

Total TD: 7,442,287,900
Debris Collected: 998,500,011
Total Loot: 3,386,075,728

Current Player Stats after 1 month:
#1 player: demise
#1 Attacker: gallaorn
#1 Defender: Envy
#1 Raider: gallaorn

Biggest Battle: Churchill27 VS ScilitaR - TD: 27,978,000 -Loot: 0 - Debris: 21,797,400

Top alliance: Inglourious Basterds

Re: Massacre universe is 1 month old ! + Universe Stats

....and what are the stats for things like personal gain due to game glitches, pulling/pushing, double accounting etc.............not saying it happens in Massacre lol (or anywhere else)......but if proven so, regardless of rubies or contacts, how many were caught and banned? Seeing as I like a fair game for all, these stats are of more relevance to me and anyone likeminded :)

*Ban information is private. Check here for details: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3962 ~Zorg