IMPORTANT: Facebook Page Overhaul

Now that I'm back, my main goal was to be the Public Relations Admin first, moderator second, player third. Doing my job is now what is most important to me.

I've started taking the Facebook page in a new direction. I've posted everyday (sometimes twice a day) new things to read up on or opinions to ask. I'll continue to do this. But this only works for me if I get activity on the page. Players are so used to the FB page being dormant (mainly my fault) that they don't bother to check it out.

Well, it's time to start checking it out again ;). It's my job to be your 'voice', to know your opinions, to act on your words, and to take everything you say into consideration. So:


To discuss about this, please click below.
DISCUSSION LINK: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=9744&p=101623#p101623

~Locked by Lightning
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________