Moon Shots reopened

Well Deidara said Allowed or not? Fair or not?
Received a pm of a conversation regarding this.
Open for discussion as I want all opinions.
Please no arguing with others over opinions just want individual opinions.

And other stuff folowed.. We didnt get an answer from you Zorg except a hmmm that means nothing so bit more than a hmmm would be appreciated
Trust is hard to come by.That's why my circle is small and tight. I'm kind of funny about making new friends.


Re: Moon Shots reopened

Forgive me either for being so late to weigh in or for weighing in at all, I am not entirely sure which. Possibly both.

First, I feel the initial questions posed by Deidara were misleading. The true issue was not about whether or not moonshots are allowed. Of course they are allowed. Of course you can exchange ms with anyone, same alliance or no, etc. When I originally saw what was going on, I was quite upset, as it appeared to be a retirement crash given in the form of ms. After talking to Sloth and allowing him toe explain, I understand his side and I don't believe any rules were violated here, strictly speaking. However, because of the nature of the universe it is still a bit of an equity issue. In an established universe it would not even be worth a second glance, but early on in a tournament universe it does make a difference. Give me a chance to explain what I mean.

Consider, getting a moon in Generals just a few days in is incredibly expensive and time consuming. Building the ships for shots takes a good deal of time because nanite levels are either nonexistent or incredibly low, and not all losses are recouped in the df. Essentially what was done here allowed a few players to press a button for a chance of getting a moon that is far greater than what anyone else can yet afford, at no cost to them whatsoever. This is the issue, even though it is not a rule violation (Zorg has made that clear, let me make clear that I am not accusing anyone of cheating). I hope this helps explain why so many have been crying "unfair."

Re: Moon Shots reopened

We quite understand the agony of some players. Rest assured that we got the situatio under control and we always welcome info in our emails. Just send them there, don't post them in public.

If any action is penalty/ban worthy, then this /penalty/ban will be issued. Sooner or Later and definitely before tourney end.