Generals - Expedition

So ... here is the deal:
in the Generals Tournament, every type of General, but the Defence General has the option know exactly what their special thing does.
Raiders and Fleeters are exactly aware of what ships are and can do. Opening the info page for their special ship provides them all the neccessary information: WSA of the ship and their speed. The only tricky part is what engine enhances the speed, but for most of the players its obviows that the engines required to unlock a certain ship are the once enhancing. Unless otherwise specified in ship description.
Miners have their storage den, wich is strictly described in the info page of the building
In the same time, defenders rely on expeditions for profit, but no clear info can be found on expeditions. The two variables on that are numer of expeditions per level and recourse that is gathered (although the resource might be a constant). I think it's fair that those numbers get somehow put in the description of either the research or the ship. I think that this would only be fair ...