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Server downtime


In the last 2-3 days the game servers have been down on multiple occasions. Sometimes it's for 5-10 minutes and very few people notice it, but sometimes the game goes down for a longer period of times. Last night an Ally of mine says he couldn't get on the game for over 2.5 hours, the day before the server was down for over an hour. We haven't seen any maintenance annoncements, what is going on?

Re: Server downtime

ZE in general, and throughout the history has little to no server issues. The past few days have indeed been problematic.

These seem to be issues deriving from network. Which means that the server is not entirely unavailable. It could well be the products of Ddos attacks. We are investigating together with the hosting company in an effort to find the causes and fix this.

We will let you know once we have something more substantial. We are looking into this.

Thank you for your patience.

Re: Server downtime

For me, this is not a big problem, although it is annoying. For lesser ranked players who have tried to login and make their stuff safe, the inability to do so might cause them to take a loss. If they have to be elsewhere whilst the game comes back online, they have gone to work, bed etc, their stuff is unsafe and they take a hit. Do they get reimbursed for any sitting fleets and resources that they're unable to make safe?