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Re: Probes

I have known about this since April (when I first started) and I like others didn't realize it was a bug. I do see the benefit of getting it fixed because it will encourage players to spread out. Perhaps if in the option menu where you choose how many probes to send you can also choose the speed but that it will always send at the speed chosen. This would be instead of the system reducing the speed to consume the correct amount of duet. And it would also be great if the prob icon would disappear when you get out of range just like the IPM icon does.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Probes

I can too, verify this. However, I suggest that esp probes use only 1 deut no matter how far they go... nobody wants a 8 minute espionage mission... :Doh: plus, in most cases, even at 10% most espionage ships can not reach G1. :?

I vote esp probes to always use 1 deut, whether they go 1 system away, or 9 galaxy's away.
Leader of Eldrith Pirates

Re: Probes

That violates something called physics..... :?
If an object goes further it will use more fuel.
Gale points:ummm to far behind to care and too long since I got one to remember

That which is written without effort is usually read without enjoyment.

Re: Probes

Dr_triad3 wrote:That violates something called physics..... :?
So does shoving several hundred moon-sized ships through a wormhole located on the surface of a moon, but let's conveniently overlook that. :P
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Probes

It is a bug as we got a flat universe (sounds logical a universe to be flat although this is what sounded logical for earth 1000 years ago).

Thanks for all the research you did, we think we have located the issue and it will be looked & fixed soon.

Unbalanced probe speed

I noticed this long before when i was in xtreme, but it didn't bother me much back then for some reason, but now it became annoying.

If you send an espionage mission from the galaxy view all the way from g1 to g9 (I'm using this as an example because the difference is enormous) it travels 38 seconds, yet if you decide to send a bigger amount of probes, you have to either change the amount in options, or in fleet menu. However, when you send the probes from fleet menu from G1 all the way to G9, cause of the deuterium consumption, you can't launch them even at 10% speed, which lasts over 6 minutes.

I really hate it when i have to change the number of probes in options 20 times a day, so please fix this.
if yer gonna be stupid ya gotta be tough

Re: Probes

it is because the galaxy view probing is the buggy one not the fleet menu probing. lol

u are not supposed to be able to probe from galaxy view with 100% speed from any where across +2galaxy away. For that probe speeds needs to be cut down to a lower %. This issue has been addressed by me (SPY)/(SBD)/(Myrsee) a few times before in here.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Probes

i remember this being brought up over a year ago...maybe we should just upgrade the res a probe can hold so it it can be able to travel 9 galaxys...i dont see this a really big deal probing 9 galaxy away or whatever...

Re: Probes

i wouldnt suggest that. It will defo change the probe raiding to a more active gaming style.

Think about 50K probes raiding a planet/moon without defense. currenctly it only takes about 250k res if any more u can go for about 1.000K-2.000k raids that will definitely put the EC/LC in a back foot in some cases.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.