logged (Unchosen) vs Azenguard (SGA) TD: 9,865,600

I chased him the entire day to see a mistake from him and after 4-5 hours of waiting and dodging bam :P.... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Attacker Loss: 2.232.400 Defender Loss:7.633.200
winnings Metal:40.917 Crystal:15.091 Deuterium:16.357
Debris Metal:3.784.260 Crystal:1.766.700

You collect; 2.880.300 units of Metal and 1.779.700 units of Crystal.

GLOTR Azenguard and next time you better fleet save mate because not i will come again in visit but this time please make a coffee :P:D :dance: :dance:
ING Names : logged

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