Crasher (Pirates) VS Lightangel (Ind) - TD - 2.866 Bil

Another one bites the dust! I was once again called upon to write this excellent smash by Crasher. I know that many of the players of Zorg have had that one person that has a tendency to be (hmmm how do I put this nicely) paranoid, loony? This one was in our alliance at the beginning but was removed due to issues I will not name in here. Of course all within our alliance received various messages with accusation of hacking, multiplay, cheating in ways I have never heard of. There are planets named after our alliance with exploiters etc on them. To make a really long story short after multiple attempts to catch this ones fleet down, with of course the ugly messages sent to us afterward. We finally caught him with his fleet down. And bam, blast, boom!

Wish you the best in your real and game life Lightangel.

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 8.745.333 units of Metal, 8.745.333 units of Crystal and 8.745.333 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 962.858.800 units.
The defender has lost a total of 1.903.576.000 units.
A debris field containing units of Metal and 651.752.100 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

He started making recyclers and managed to get a little bit of the df, but I decided he would have to use it on defenses so I shot some more followup hits at him while my team and I cleaned up the debris.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!