Fleet Grouping

I just thought an awesome idea! We should be able to make fleet groups!

Heres how it would work.

*Click on Fleets
*Scroll down near bottom
* Look for "Make Group"
*Click "Make Group"
*Will be sent to a screen showing you your fleet
* At the top of that you add how many of each ship you want in a group.
*After you add them you click Next
*Now you name your group
*After naming group click Done

I believe this is awesome. Also you should make it so that in the Galaxy View that three of you most recent fleet groups show up. So all you need to do is click the group enter the coords and do what ever you want.

**Also if you dont have the amount of ships in your fleet but it says in Fleet Group that you have more then you own it should take you to a screen that says "Not enough ships" when you try to send that fleet on a mission.***

I know this is sloppy but I just thought of it and it sounds amazing, hope you like it and add onto it!
Live for The Guard, Die for The Guard.

Re: Fleet Grouping

i believe this is unnecessary. Each colony or planet is a variety of its own with the different defensive array and WSA, not even including the dynamic ship types and count that are remained docked on the planet. When you are dealing with defenses that goes beyond thousands in numbers every mission becomes an unique one. you never really can tell preemptive what fleet composition you will need, hence we are to probe before attack cause the latest upgrade of the enemy strong hold is necessary to compose ur attacking fleet.

its a manual work unless you want a 0 loss fleet creator. but thats the fun of the game to do it manually.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Fleet Grouping

I think the idea of premade 'Battlegroups' was discussed at some point in the past, and dismissed because of too many variables involved in each launch. As Spy pointed out, almost every planet you raid has a unique combination/number of obstacles to overcome. You don't send the exact same fleet as many times as you think you do.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Overview Mission time changes are not sync

The time shown on overview is a time that runs by the cpu of your pc (same with the time at the header). If you have an old pc, you will have differences probably. There are ways to update it without refresh from the system time but this would not be a good idea resources wise. Just refresh your overview when much time passes; you won't notice great differences even if an hour passes but still if you want exact time, click on overview to get the latest sync.

Re: Fleet Grouping

not that the idea is bad but it is unneccesary.if you say send 100 large cargos and 10 battleships on farm raids you really would not have that much extra work.if I see the concept right a total 3 more clicks would be needed per raid.too much for ya coolkid?
Gale points:ummm to far behind to care and too long since I got one to remember

That which is written without effort is usually read without enjoyment.