Re: [Implemented] LLs need tweaking

I am a up and coming fleeter and this world has serious down sides to new players when it comes to planet defenses, as the top 20 fleeters can knockout anyone without any loss of fleet. Lowering any planet defense only helps a handful and the rest will soon tire of this world and find a more fair game. Lowering LL's was a fail in my opinion as players with large BC fleets already have no fear of any planet defense.

Re: [Implemented] LLs need tweaking

Defenses should NEVER be used to defend a sitting fleet. There should also never be a sitting fleet on any of your planets. Defenses are for resource protection only.

Fleet save, that's the only way to keep from getting hit, that's how the game works. And also, this game is completely fair - you just need to learn how to play it correctly :) .
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: [Implemented] LLs need tweaking

Zorg wrote:Well, since these words are coming from one of the biggest shell owners in the game, I do not have more to add :P
Oh Zorg, you're too nice. :)

:D Redrod, if you need to know how to fleetsave, this link will tell you:

-What fleetsaving is.
-Different types of fleetsaving.
-How to fleetsave properly.

_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________