Increase New Player Protection in Massacre

I would like to see new player protection raised to 100k in Massacre.

Every other universe has protection set at at least 100k... But in Massacre protection is still only 25k. In my opinion, for the genuine new player, this isn't enough. I believe raising protection could help increase player retention by giving them more time to learn the game... Certainly, it wouldn't hurt, and I know others have expressed similar sentiments in the past.

Re: Increase New Player Protection in Massacre

I remember when it was 10k everywhere, but Xtreme, where it was 100k. (I guess sometime in my absence they were all raised. Though to be fair, I never really tried standard.) ^_^ Still I think raising it to 100,000 would probably help.

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.
Sun Tzu