zorg you should stop reteriment hits

i think both parties in retirement hits should be banned, plz look, only the top players get the hits causing them to gain billions in resources making it even more unfair for those under them, in speed recently it happened guess who got billions of res...the top player. in x same deal. please ban both party's it is not fair. if u feel the need to retire just go blue. o but the number 1 guy has played so long and etc etc, well how do you expect to keep others to stay longer if u allow them these hits that nets them multi billion in resources, you said you show no favor to players. then show it and stop retirement hits. ban all involved.
Last edited by king440 on Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: zorg you should stop reteriment hits

Despite having retired my Xtreme fleet to a friend at the end of last year, I would actually have to agree with this. 90% of the time retirement crashes go to the very top account and do more harm than good; they allow the strong to become stronger and leave the rest with nothing. I know for a fact retirement crashes were a part of how the #1 fleets on both Speed and Xtreme were built. Despite the fact that I gave away my X fleet and was even gifted a small fleet in my time there, this is the position I have come to simply because of the players retirement crashes most often benefit.

Of course, the issue then becomes, is there any way to really ensure retirement hits don't happen, or will it just be the case that dishonest players are able to lie to get ahead? For instance, pretty sure I could have lied about retiring my fleet to Sprog and just told him where it was and that I was quitting and no one would have doubted it simply because we had been enemies for so long in X. I would not have done that and I am 100% certain Karl would not have accepted my fleet were it against the rules, but that doesn't stop other players from trying something like this.

But in short, I agree. The rule should be changed and the era of retirement crashes should end.

Re: zorg you should stop reteriment hits

thank you fleethound and pulsar, im glad im not alone in these thoughts. congrats pulsar on the mod im sure you will do a amazing job. also it adds a layer of protection to just here my fleet is come and get it, for example...i have a nice fleet and my friend has a nice fleet, i tell someone hey here is my fleet im done playing come get it, he launchs i get a acs defend 1 sec b4 hit boom attacker losses....it will make someone think before hitting,