Fast Recall Feature

Hello there!
I've proposed this idea in the upcoming server thread, but I really think this feature can help the game tramendously, even to existing servers.

The goal: "Fast Recall" would be an alternative, more flexible way to fleet save.
How: Add an option (like a checkbox) on the target screen, to make this mission 'fast-recallable'. If that fleet is on the way Forward, the recall speed would be 100%, regardless of initial mission speed.

This method would make fleet saving more flexible and less strict on when one can get back to play. This can be great for people who have a busy 'real-life' schedule, or just can't assure when exactly they'd be available again.

In order to reward more "skilled" play, and encourage accurate management, the 'classic' Fleet Saving method should have some advanteges over this method.
So beside having to wait for your fleet to return, I suggest:
1. This option has to be enabled before sending the fleet. The fast recall would occur only on "recall" command, and not upon arriving at destenation and making a return trip. To clarify- non-recalled fleets would return at the original mission's %speed.
2. Make deut cost for such a mission higher. Maybe as 100%, or 1.5 times the 100% speed. This way one might consider if he wants to have a higher risk about his fleet laying around, or paying more fuel.
3. Cost additional Computer slot

That way, careful managment is still needed, and well-timed "classic" saves would be preferable.

I think this feature would GREATLY help retain players. Fleet saving today requires one to log in back when the fleet would arrive, almost obliges you to. I sincerely believe that not every potential player can always do that, and that's a needless broad filter on the playerbase.

Lastly, a better name than "Fast recall" should be proposed, I guess :D

I would love to discuss about it on the comments here.