Planet types

(im going off of what bluey said)
when u creat a planet u should beable to great like 25% chance to get Defence planet or Ecenomic planet and attacking

Defence planet has 10% boost to the defences and to armor but a -10% to mining income,also defences cost 25% less and the time to make them is cut by 25%

Econmice planet shouls hav a 15% boost to your Mining income but a -5% to defence,also making mines is 25%less

Attacking planet has a 10% boost to ships attack another planet but a -5% to defence and mining,also making ships is 25% faster
There is a resion my people call me Rex...Its cause one day i was waking down the street and u no what happened?I WAS HIT BY A CAR and i stude up and flick the driver broking bones just some bruses.thats why im Turtle

Re: Planet types

well im just spitting out ideas and its a 25% chance of getting any of these 75% chance of getting a normal planet
There is a resion my people call me Rex...Its cause one day i was waking down the street and u no what happened?I WAS HIT BY A CAR and i stude up and flick the driver broking bones just some bruses.thats why im Turtle

Re: Planet types

Yeah, but I agree with TGE on this one. If you've already got most of the planets you want where you want them with the number of fields you want and have already built a KINGDOM of mines and stuff on it, you don't want to have to delete it and have to try again to get a so called 'bonus'. It wouldn't be fair to the older players, really.
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder

Re: Planet types

well maybe it can be added to the new universe or there can be new buildings like Fleet Minister/Defence Minister/and Ecinimical Minister
There is a resion my people call me Rex...Its cause one day i was waking down the street and u no what happened?I WAS HIT BY A CAR and i stude up and flick the driver broking bones just some bruses.thats why im Turtle

Re: Planet types

ok this is what it will be

Econmical Minister-incresses mine out put by 10%,-10% to defences and -5% to attacking

Defence Minister-incresses Defence stats by 10% and its 25% faster to build defences,-15% mine output and attacking power

Fleet Minister-incresses ships shats by 15%,-10% to mine and defences 10% fater ship bulding

Only 1 minister per planet,can not destory after built,cost 500kM,500kC,and 500kD
There is a resion my people call me Rex...Its cause one day i was waking down the street and u no what happened?I WAS HIT BY A CAR and i stude up and flick the driver broking bones just some bruses.thats why im Turtle

Re: Planet types

now even tho this is my idea(kinda) i still dont agree as its just stupid and yes my idea were suricidal i was just looking for a farming place

and also i funny mistake
and defences 10% fater ship bulding
Who said making enemies isnt fun?

Re: Planet types

who said u could post something on this topic...i sure didnt...anyways its just a suggestin u dont hav to say NO just cause it might not help u
There is a resion my people call me Rex...Its cause one day i was waking down the street and u no what happened?I WAS HIT BY A CAR and i stude up and flick the driver broking bones just some bruses.thats why im Turtle