Re: Looking for an alliance

How does that have anything to do with this Doom... I never called him bad.. I just said he jumps around a lot and alliances generally want loyal people.
When one man rises.. The other falls...
Know that if your fleet has been spotted it will fall, no matter the cost or time..

Re: Looking for an alliance

Seems like there is only trolling on a post that has nothing to do with any of you. Maybe don't bother chiming in if you don't have anything constructive to say on the topic?

Try Aliens are Hostile, great group of guys, as far as I can tell..
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: Looking for an alliance

if you still dont have an alliance mine in fairly new but has devoted strong players and are all freindly and ready to help any one who gets there fleets it be a feable attempt at revenge or a res boost my teamates are ones to count on..ill send you a PM...the alliance is The Hero Republic btw
All war is Brutal, and I will master it all

Re: Looking for an alliance

EZT should not take a hopper. it was a fleeting alliance. from what it was to what it is. no wounder why pk had a heart attack. it was all the useless people around. no one else to kill something better then spy. eh... spy is good at allot of things, that don't include loyalty... sorry to see me and PK's alliance fall. happy to see old friends strings to it. would be more happy to see the gozar account to fall so people are less scared of numbers... GHOST BUSTERS
how i'm still around.... no one knows...